Mums with skills

Mums Have Skills

Mums with skills Many times women who have decided to take a break from their careers to raise children or to stay at home sometimes wonder if they have skills. Mums have skills but many times do not see how they can translate this into being employable outside the home. See below a list of some of the skills that mums have honed while being “mum’.

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Culled from Talentedladiesclub

If you look at the things we do every day as mums you will realize just how accomplished and talented we all are. So what happened when the skills were looked at with professional eye, it resulted in the list of skills complied below. Mums, we give ourselves little credit for the things we do.

To give you an idea of some of your skills see a list below:
  • Time management skills, aka multi-taskers
  • Prioritization experience
  • Planning skills
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Crisis management skills
  • Communication skills – communicating down (with your child) and up (with your spouse)
  • The ability to influence – you are one of the biggest sources of influence in your home
  • Negotiation skills – ever tried to solve bedtime wars?
  • Project management skills – Managing long list of To Do’s to manage on a daily basis
  • Event management skills – think planning birthday parties, bake sales, school bazaars…
  • Responsibility – Nothing beats responsibility for another human being
  • Financial management experience – managing grocery shopping, shopping for back to school, saving as a familymums with skills lagosmums
  • People management skills – no matter how similar everyone in the family is, there are many different opinions
  • Mentoring experience – Yep you are default mentor
  • Creative skills – breaking into song on the spot to get your child to eat her food! Skills
  • Counseling experience – as mums we are always counseling each other and trying different tips.
  • The ability to learn new skills – parenting skills is always evolving to match your changing child.

Impressive list, isn’t it? The truth is that these are things that every mum does on a daily basis, perhaps in different degrees. Mums are multi-taskers and are able to handle many pressing needs at the same time, juggling is second nature for most mums.

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Most employers would be happy to hire people with all these skills. It is your job to bring these skills to live and help the employers see that your skills are valuable and transferable to the workplace. The thing more mums need is a healthy dose of confidence and realizing that there is no need to apologize for putting your family first.

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