world health day

It is World Health Day

world health day It is World Health Day today, April 7th. This years theme is “food safety” and it is relevant to the world we live in today. Where we need to be increasingly aware of what we are eating, where our food is from and how it is being prepared. There are several illnesses on the rise some of which are linked to the foods people are consuming and the lifestyles that we live. Below are some of the top things to consider as we celebrate World Health Day and increase the awareness of the health of ourselves and our family.

1. Handle food safely –

Be sure to wash your fruits and vegetables thoroughly as they may harbor contaminants from where they were grown or where they were stored. Rinse fruits or scrub them well under running water. Even if you peel your vegetables and fruits, you should wash them beforehand — the more careful you are, the fewer your chances are of getting food poisoning. Also be sure to cook your foods thoroughly to reduce the transfer of diseases. 

2. Know your numbers –

What are your numbers? You should know your weight, BMI, cholestoral level, Blood Pressure etc as well as what the healthy ranges are. This helps you in regulating your self as well as knowing how to ensure optimal health. High blood pressure has been called a silent killer as there are no clear symptoms, however knowing and monitoring blood pressure reduces complications. People who might have prediabetes or diabetes need to carefully monitor cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, and weight as a first step in controlling the disease and improving the quality of your health.

3. Get moving

30 minutes of exercise daily is recommended. Exercise has many benefits including improving the quality of  your sleep, improving your energy levels and making you feel happier and better overall, exercise will also improve your health by lowering your chance of developing chronic problems like diabetes or high blood pressure.

4. Eat balanced diets

Your diet goes a long way in determining the overall health of yourself and your family.  So be sure to follow the recommendations for a balanced diet. Get your 5 servings of fruit and vegetables on a daily basis, drink lots of water, reduce the consumption of junk foods and fast foods.

For a guide on healthy diets

  The Dietary Guidelines for Americans describe a healthy diet as one that:World Health Day 2

• Emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products;
• Includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts; and
• Is low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt (sodium), and added sugars.

5. Sleep

Getting the recommended number of hours of sleep cannot be ignored. How much sleep do you really need? Sleep is necessary for the body to recharge and to ensure that you are functioning at an optimal level. The sleep foundation has come out with recommendations on the number of hours needed for newborns all the way to adults. The average school aged child needs between 9 to 11 hours of sleep. Make sure to check if you and your children are getting enough sleep.

6. Limit Stress

Everyone has almost turned the phrase “I am stressed” to show a sign of being busy and engaged. In reality a constant level of stress is dangerous to your overall health.

photo source: createwritenow, healthservices

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