How to Avoid Social Media Brain Drain Over the Summer

Are you wondering How to Avoid Social Media Brain Drain Over the Summer? 

As summer approaches and school breaks commence, many parents wonder how to keep their children occupied meaningfully. The long holiday offers a break from the school year but also challenges ensuring children remain engaged and do not fall into the trap of excessive screen time. Yetty Williams, a digital parenting coach and CEO of LagosMums shares invaluable advice on avoiding the social media brain drain and keeping children productively engaged during the summer.

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Understanding Summer Social Media Brain Drain


Social media brain drain refers to the negative effects of excessive screen time on a child’s cognitive development. Williams explains that with the advent of digital technology, children are more likely to spend their leisure time on devices, often leading to hours of unproductive screen time. This hampers their brain development and affects their attention span and learning abilities.

Research has shown that children who are not positively engaged during the summer tend to experience a “summer slide,” where they lose some of the learning they gained during the school year. This cognitive decline makes it harder for them to transition back to school in the fall.

As a result, the summer social media brain drain can have long-lasting effects on children.

Why It Matters


The impact of excessive screen time is far-reaching. Children who spend most of their holidays on social media or consuming short-form content such as TikTok videos are not engaging their brains in meaningful ways. This passive content consumption can lead to decreased attention spans and difficulties focusing once school resumes. Teachers often notice a marked difference between children engaged in constructive activities over the summer and those not.

Yetty emphasizes that while screens are not inherently bad, excessive and passive use pose a problem. The goal is to find a balance and incorporate activities stimulating the brain and keeping children active and engaged. This will be critical in minimising the social media brain drain. 

Practical Tips for Parents


Here are some strategies Yetty Williams suggests for parents to keep their children engaged and avoid social media brain drain:

  1. Reading Physical Books:

Encourage your child to read physical books. Reading engages multiple senses and helps retain knowledge better than consuming digital content. Whether it’s fiction, nonfiction, or biographies, the act of holding a book and turning pages contributes to cognitive development.

  1. Balanced Screen Time:

Limit screen time and ensure it’s used for productive activities. For example, children interested in video games can learn to create their own games using online platforms. This shifts their screen time from passive consumption to active learning.

  1. Physical Activities:

Ensure your child remains physically active. Regular exercise, walks, and outdoor play are essential. This not only keeps them healthy but also helps in reducing the effects of sedentary screen time.

  1. Explore Hobbies:

Encourage your child to pick up a hobby. Whether it’s sewing, baking, writing, or dancing, hobbies can be fun and educational. They provide a break from screens and stimulate creativity.

  1. Summer Camps:

Enroll your child in summer camps that match their interests. Camps focused on STEM, arts and crafts, music, or cultural activities can keep children engaged and learning. LagosMums curates a list of summer camps, making it easier for parents to find suitable options.

  1. Workshops and Learning Platforms:

Utilize free or low-cost online workshops and learning platforms. These can offer structured activities that are both educational and entertaining.

  1. Social Interactions:

Arrange playdates or visits to friends and family. Social interactions are crucial for emotional development and can be fun for everyone involved. 

Implementing a Plan


Having a summer plan is important, as it offers a proactive way to avoid the summer social media brain drain. A structured schedule that includes a mix of reading, physical activities, hobbies, and screen time ensures that children remain engaged without being overwhelmed. It’s about finding a balance and providing variety in their daily routines.

By being proactive and incorporating these strategies, parents can help their children have a productive and enjoyable summer while avoiding the pitfalls of social media brain drain. 



Summer should be a time for children to relax and rejuvenate, but it should also be a period of growth and learning. Parents can ensure their children make the most of their summer break by limiting unproductive screen time and encouraging engaging activities. Yetty Williams points out that it’s about creating a balanced plan that includes fun, learning, and physical activity, setting the stage for a successful return to school for the new school year.

Read Also: Avoid Meltdowns this Summer 

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