mrs Olabosipo Sawyerr- Bassey

LagosMums Mum of the Month – Olabosipo Sawyerr- Bassey

Our Lagosmums Mum of the Month for August is Olabosipo Sawyerr—Bassey. She is an economist, a strategist, and a psychologist. She is also a wife, a mum, a sister, and a friend. She is a founding member of the Yale Club Nigeria and a proud child of God.

Tell us about your beautiful family.

I met my husband over 30 years ago at Ikoyi Baptist Church. We were in the same music group. We dated for seven years. We have been married for 15 years and will be 16 years in December. We have a 16-month-old daughter.

Do you and your spouse have the same parenting style?

We have very similar style and we align on how we want to raise our daughter.

How important is a support system for a mum? Who is in your tribe, and what kind of support do you have?

A support system is extremely important for every mum because it is difficult to manage it all alone. I thank God for my husband, who constantly provides emotional, mental, and physical support. I also rely on my sisters and close friends, who continue to support me physically and remotely

What are some ways that children and parenting are different from when you were growing up and now?

Children are now very social media conscious and as a parent, one must be aware of all the platforms out there and how to protect their children. Parenting has to be more conscious and deliberate because there is so many competing messages that can derail them.

Share with us what you love most about your work as a  Change Manager at Diageo 

I enjoy being able to work on a variety of projects across different countries. I like that I am able to see the value my work brings as I support individuals whose roles are changing and set them up for success.  I am happy to be part of a Global team because I get to learn and get various perspectives, and I definitely love that I can work remotely

august mom of the month

How are you raising your child to be ready for an ever-changing

My child is still very young, so it is easy to control what she watches and how much screen time she has. I talk to her constantly, affirming how much I love her, singing with and for her and constantly praying over her. I am ensuring that she enjoys her childhood, plays outside and does her age-appropriate activities.

How do you balance work and parenting? Is it possible to achieve this? 

It is sometimes not easy to balance both. At different times, there is no perfect balance but I am very clear that parenting is my priority. I am able to organize my schedule and take breaks so I can drop her off and pick her up from school.

Can you share your journey to motherhood and how you managed the wait? What would you advise others?

I had a long journey to motherhood, from being diagnosed with PCOS and trying IUI 3 times to just waiting on God’s time. I got clear instructions from God on my diet through a dream my husband had and through a friend who was doing a health and nutrition program. He gave me the grace to start exercising and losing weight, and I got pregnant naturally after 13 years with no medical intervention or procedures.

While waiting, I focused on my career, living life to the fullest, and serving at Church. Share on X


While waiting, I focused on my career, living life to the fullest, and serving at Church. It was not easy, but God gave me markers along the way to show that He had not forgotten about me. I had a super supportive husband and extended family, friends turned sisters I could pray and cry with, and I am a leader in a vibrant prayer ministry.

In addition, I would tell them to be careful of the advice they get from people because everyone has an opinion, but one must be sure of what God is saying to know which options He wants to use. I would also ask that you continue to focus on saving and preparing for the children, preparing to be parents, and living life to the fullest.

My advice to those waiting is to not lose hope, listen to hear from God for clear instructions on what to do and what options to explore.

Olabosipo Sawyerr- Bassey

Olabosipo Sawyerr- Bassey

What has motherhood taught you about yourself?

Motherhood has taught me that I am stronger than I thought and that God has given me all the grace I need to manage all my new responsibilities

Use one word to describe one thing that should not be missing from every home.


Share one self-care tip. How do you relax and spend time with yourself?

I like to watch Nigerian movies, and Yoruba ones, too to improve my vocabulary

Can you tell us how you stay stylish and your beauty routine?

Eat healthy and with peace of mind, I look good. My sisters give the styling advice.

What do you love about LagosMums? 

I love that LagosMums caters to all women, not just mothers. LagosMums provides access to life-changing resources that are very practical and useful in supporting women.

#Mumsgoal Trivia

â—‹ N1 Million or more sleep?

Definitely more sleep

â—‹ Would you prefer to go on a shopping spree or an all-expense-paid trip to your dream destination?

An all-expense-paid trip. I love to travel, and the experience is more valuable than material possessions.

â—‹ Homeschooling or traditional school:


â—‹ A spa day or Eat out? Eat out

It was lovely learning from our mum of the month, Olabosipo Sawyerr-Basseyi. Thank you for sharing with us. Click here to connect with her.

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