Titi Adewusi: Busy Mum Behind 9ijakids

Mum of the Month: Titi Adewusi

Meet Titi Adewusi: The Woman Behind 9ijakids

Titi Adewusi is a busy mum and successful businesswoman from Lagos. She’s the brain behind 9ijakids, a company that makes learning fun for Nigerian children. Titi’s story is interesting – she went from being a naughty child to a hardworking entrepreneur and loving mother. In this interview, we get to know Titi better and learn about her life, work, and family.

Tell us your amazing story! Who is the woman behind 9ijakids?

My name is Titi Adewusi—Impact Entrepreneur, Co-founder of 9ijakids, mom, wife, sister, and friend. I’m the fifth of seven children, growing up in a lively household with six fabulous sisters(didn’t always think so) and one (o kan la won)  brother. Yes, you read that right—six daughters. I was the ‘naughty’ one, always in trouble and always being punished. I thought my parents especially my mother was my Step Mom, but looking back, I realize my mischief was the real culprit. My childhood was like a sitcom—endless drama and fun that I wouldn’t trade for anything.

If I had to sum myself up in one word, it would be “Energizer” with doses  of “Sunshine.”


You wear so many hats! How do you juggle all your roles?

I guess I wear several hats. I’m a Child of God, Wife, Mother, Sister, Friend, Entrepreneur, and Co-founder of 9ijakids. I’m also the proud Co-Convenor of the largest STEM festival for kids, a Volunteer Sunday School teacher, an Author, and a Fun Learning Advocate. 

A certificated busy mom, And when I am tired of all my hats – I removed them and just be me – a girl that loves movies, action movies and romantic novels


What’s a hidden talent or quirk that would shock people about you?

I was a tomboy. I actually wanted to be a boy when growing up. I am sure when some of my friends from University see me now – they can’t relate this girl wearing heels with the girl that could scale the University back wall so fast lol


Your family sounds wonderful! Can you paint a picture of your home life?

I had two boys – but lost the younger one about a 1year and a half ago. He would have been 13 years.

We are so sorry about your loss

Thank you, his older brother is 16 years old now. We waited 6 years after marriage before my first son came along. And the second was an unexpected surprise but we are grateful to God for the time we had with even – he was an enigma and brought so much life and joy. I’m  grateful for my family – still trying to get used to the question “how many children do you have?” But I have learnt that anything that doesn’t kill you gives you an assignment and purpose. I have been through my share of storms, but I can only say through it all – God has been so good to me. I have been more than blessed. 


We love a good love story! How did you and your husband meet?

Ah, the classic college sweetheart story! My husband and I met in university and got married in 2002 – so we have been married for 22 years (wow, cant believe its so long). We dated for what felt like an eternity—so long that our friends and family can really remember a time he wasn’t in my life lol.

Lets talk about Parenting styles: Are you and your husband on the same page or total opposites?

We are two ends of the spectrum when it comes to parenting style. He thinks I am authoritative (with too many high standards) and I think he is a mix of permissive and authoritative. He thinks I set high standards and I think he doesn’t set high enough expectations. 

But one thing I admire about my husband is that he is a very involved parent. He always told me that he won’t repeat the mistake of his father. He is that father that is at every school event and active in the PTA.


 So you’re saying that while you might be a busy mom, but he’s a busy dad too

Exactly! Though he might complain about the school giving too much homework and making to many demands, but he shows up. Another thing I admire about my husband is that from early on – he ensures that when the children try to come to him the softer one – he always asks if their Mom has agreed. This really helped.  I can be honest to say truthfully – my husband is the better half. I don’t know if he got a good deal but me I got a very good deal (lol)


Kids say the darndest things! What’s the most hilarious thing your children have done?

One time, my younger son went to a bank and asked for money. I mean, if you visit a bank, money seems like the most logical thing to ask for, right? Except he was at my sister’s house, her boss called her to the office on a weekend and she had to take them with her.  Meanwhile her boss was asking the kids what they wanted – aka drinks or biscuits. . He found it so funny that he ended up giving them money. 

Another funny incident was when I was teaching my first son about sex education and had told him that only married people should be kissing. A few weeks later we want to watch a movie with his cousin. At the end of the cartoon, the hero and heroine kissed and my son shouted in the quiet cinema – “Mummy they are kissing, are they married? The whole cinema erupted in laughter. 


What ignites your passion in your work? What gets you excited every day?

I love the creative process. I love coming up with ideas and concepts whether its for a game, worksheet, animated video or for an event. Seeing kids light up when they engage with our content is pure magic. It’s like turning the mundane into a disney world of learning.

EdTech is booming! What thrills you most about being an Edtechpreneur?

I love meeting people – connecting and networking. I also love creating fun learning content and experiences. I love seeing people love learning and learning in a way that memorable and fun. I love seeing people learn practical and relevant skills they need for the future. Bottom line – I love empowering people to succeed 

Calling all Mompreneurs! What’s your secret sauce for business success?


Have support – from a supportive husband to a supportive network.

There are days I had urgent work and my child was on admission, I would spend the night at the hospital and in the morning my husband comes to take over while I go home, rest and catch up with work. Our first office was rented to us by my husband – we used it rent free for the first 2 years while we found our feet. I can tell countless stories… He ha

My family – my nieces and nephews have done free voice overs for our games and content. They have been cheer leaders, supported financial, done video posts and so much. , I have my sister – who can help with schools runs when I cant make or have the kids over for sleepovers. 

Having a good domestic help  – from cleaning house to cook. Things you can outsourced to lighten the workload and stress – I highly recommend. 

Be intentional about building your network. Be part of networks with other entrepreneurs – my greatest aha momemts came from joining programs like Founder Institute, Naija Startups and African Women Entrepreneurship Cooperative (AWEC), Vital Voices and the latest one being the Cartier Women Iniative community. 

It takes a village! How crucial is your support system as a working mom?

Support is a busy moms super power. I have the most supportive husband in the world. It is not a cliché but a statement of fact. Honestly I keep saying I got the better end of the deal. 

He does school runs when I cant, bedtime and bible study, ready to eat out when I cant cook and even cook for the kids and I because I am tired. Also, I am blessed with a large supportive family and I have my sister who lived close and so our kids went to same schools so made things easier – we plan outings together and school work is easier. Also I had someone who helps with market runs and cooking when I need help (outsourcing is a powerful thing). 


How has parenting evolved? What’s different now compared to your childhood?

I think there are good and bad changes… Parents today are more expressive about their love which is good. However I think parenting is more permissive and not defining boundaries which is something not good. A lot more helicopter parenting. I also think back then – it took a village to raise a child.. now its just 2 which in my opinion doesn’t create the balance needed. 

Children back then were seen not heard.. Today we hear the children so loud sometimes self “we are shocked” It has it good aspects but there is also need for balance – being respectful. 

The future is now! How are you equipping your kids for tomorrow’s world?

Personally I think the foundational principles are the same no matter how the world is changing. Parenting for me is driven by my faith and values. Equip them with the education, tools, knowledge and values they need. To do that effectively, you as a parent must be learning and gathering knowledge yourself. I was fortunate to attend an event by Praise Fowowe about sex education when my first child was like 6 – that knowledge changed me. So I would advice parents, acquire knowledge that helps you be a better parent in a changing world but have core values and principles that guide your family. And above all be very intentional, very involved and be the role model. Lastly surround your children with role models (people that walk the talk)

The eternal struggle: How do you balance your thriving career and family life?

I try to but I can be honest with myself and don’t always achieve the balance. I have highlighted things that there is non negotiating – events I must be present for and memories to create… Then we try and juggle all the rest around some of those principles. 

I did schools runs most days when they were in primary school, attended most key school events, did bible study and bedtime, did bonding things on weekend, helped with homework, etc. A fully busy mom, but when I wasn’t able to – my husband filled that gap

I’m  a workaholic – ready to work Mon to Sat… Sunday is for recharging my batteries (usually its my “me” day). 

As a busy mom, what sparked your EdTech journey? How did 9ijakids come to life?

Interesting my younger son. I never thought I will be. I loved creating content for my first son to help him at school – making learning interesting. But my younger son only like playing with the iPad and not interested in learning. He was the one that got me exploring learning through games. 

Little Titi seemed to have big dreams! What did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be so many things (and every thing) – I want to be a teacher – I loved my primary school teacher. Then I wanted to be a police woman, a detective (from Famous Five and Secret Seven day) then I wanted to be an air hostess (I though it was a glamourous job – didn’t we all then). Then a lawyer and then finally an Engineer. 


We all have doubts sometimes. How do you push through and stay motivated?

I pray and pray and pray (works like magic allows me under burden to God). I surround myself with people – the right people. People who encourage me, believe in me, join me to pray, provide insights, make things happen, etc. Surrounding myself with positive, encouraging people makes all the difference. I have learned not to work alone. Don’t do life alone – a secret sauce. 


What are the biggest hurdles for Nigerian entrepreneurs? How do you overcome them?

Finding the right people – this is so important. When you have the right people the burden is lighter and journey a bit easier. 

Marketing and business development – you can have a great product but sometimes you forget how constant and consistent marketing is key for keeping a pipeline of customers, revenue growth and profitability

Finding your customers – the group of people who value what you are selling and willingly to pay for it… 


Success means different things to different people. What’s your definition?

Making an impact and difference in people and living a purpose driven life… Like Myles Munroe said – I want to live empty… Knowing I did what God has purposed for me and touched the lives I was meant to touch (which includes my family)


What’s been the biggest eye-opener in your 9ijakids journey?

Building takes time – and its hard work. I work harder than when I was employed. And I thought I was working hard then. 

My advice would be two things – the weather will never be perfect, so just start. And before you do get knowledge – one of the best things that happened to me was joining Founders Institute – a  business incubator, entrepreneur training and startup launch program that give me the tools and knowledge to build a sustainable business. I only wished I done this first from my Day 1


Behind every success is sacrifice. What’s been your biggest one?

Can’t think of one. To be honest, because we didn’t have children in our first 5 years of marriage it allowed me do a lot in my career – I took projects outside of Lagos and even Nigeria.. I could make those decision that helped my career because I had a super supportive husband and we didn’t have children at that time. By the time we had kids, I was a Manager at work and in more control of my time and schedule. 


How has motherhood changed you? What have you discovered about yourself?

I am a softie. Even me (hard woman)  I get “mumu”botton that I didn’t even know existed!


After a long day, how do you unwind and recharge? 

Watch sci-fi action movies chilling with chilled drink and biscuits. Or reading romance historical novels (lol)


What’s the one thing every home absolutely needs?


Where do you find inspiration for your next big idea?

Might seem cliché but I get my inspirations from things around and my experience. Which is why I value going for events, travelling, attending webinars, joining communities… There is so much happening and just listening brings a lots of inspiration – aka connecting of the various dots inside your head. 


Self-care is crucial! What’s your go-to method for me-time?

No 1 is Sleep –as a busy mom,  I actually sleep and I’m  not a morning person at all.. I need a solid 7 hours to function. And yes, I enjoy food and family time too! Shut down my laptop and chill on my bed or hang out with family/friends. And did I mention anything that involves food too . 


Time to bust a myth! What’s one misconception about motherhood you want to correct?

Being a mom means sacrificing your own dreams and desires.: While motherhood does require adjustments, it doesn’t mean you have to give up your personal goals. Am grateful for the women in my life who showed that this is possible. There is nothing really like work life balance, especially for busy moms– but there are trade off you make at different times but you can still pursue your own interests and goals and achieve great things. 


Who’s your ultimate role model? Who inspires you to reach higher?

My Mom in hindsight – wish I had told her that when she was alive. She was a strong woman – had 7 children, 6 “daughters” but never let anyone belittle her.

I guess you can be the OG Busy Mom  

Yes, She was always Queen in her kingdom (aka our house). 


You always look fabulous! What’s your secret to staying stylish?

I have zero beauty routine… Was a tomboy for a long time… My motto for fashion is what makes me look slimmer, chic and is SUPER COMFORTABLE. I hate shopping but once I see what I like that fits the bill I get loads of it in different styles and colours. . 

I go for least stress but must be bright colours (so you notice me small). Once in a while I will get my makeup done, go all out but after the stress I will go back to quick, easy and comfortable… but as chic as possible with those parameters. 

Titi Adewusi: Busy Mum Behind 9ijakids


What’s your rallying cry for other moms out there?

Don’t go the journey alone. Get knowledge and belong to a community. Nobody really knows it all – we are all learning and doing some trial and error along the way. With technology you have no excuse not to get knowledgeable. Every child is different and no child is perfect – if someone is showing off the perfect child – no it’s a big lie. 

Stick to the key principles – Be Intentional (don’t leave anything you want for your child to chance) and Be the Role Model (they usually end up being mini versions of you. So if you don’t like something in your child – check yourself or your spouse)


What makes LagosMums special to you?

Love what she has been able to build over the years. Love its real and practical and true. A lot of paparazzi these days – in the end you want a place that is real and true!!!

Quick-fire round! Money or sleep? Shopping or travel? Let’s hear your picks!

  • N1 Million or more sleep?
    N1 million first, then sleep—gotta secure the bag!
  • Shopping spree or dream trip?
    The all-expense-paid trip, hands down!
  • Homeschooling or traditional school?
    Traditional school—homeschooling is not for the faint-hearted!
  • Spa day or eat out?
    Eat out! Food is life.


Thank you for joining us on this journey with Titi. Be sure to check out our other Mum of the Month articles to discover more inspiring stories of extraordinary mums making a difference. Who knows, you might just find your next dose of motivation right here!

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