What Benefits Make Homeschooling Mainstream over Traditional Schooling?


Like distance learning, schooling at home was once considered a threat to public education, i.e., the traditional way. After the 2020 pandemic set its impact on education globally, public conceptions changed massively. If the estimates are to be considered, there are more than 30,000 registered homeschooling students in Australia today.

The demand for schooling at home increased by nearly 20% in New South Wales and Victoria in 2020. There was a 26% jump in the numbers in Queensland. Thanks to companies like Euka Australia. Because of their prowess and excellence in bringing the best tools and resources to deliver quality education to students at their homes, the trends follow.

Parents new to the concept of homeschooling might want to know what benefits make this education process better than the traditional ones. That is what this article is all about.

Bring More Emotional Freedom to Kids

Academic curriculum at home remove the infamous classroom stress. When they begin schooling, young kids go through a lot of emotional pressure while trying to fit into the peer-pressure world.

Also, kids who are different, introverted, or physically challenged might even develop mental trauma for not being able to mix with the rest. Not to mention how they can be primary targets of bullies, drug addictions, being left behind, and other social pressures.

This is where an academic curriculum at home brings the perfect alternative. Education is essential, but mental well-being and emotional freedom are also vital for children’s growth. Parents can prioritize that now with this new trend of schooling.

Better Results even without Homework Hassles

Homework burdens often restrict kids from being directly involved in the learning process. Sometimes, it even comes as a barrier in the exam preparation process, which hampers a student’s performance. Besides that, parents also go through a lot of hassles dealing with lengthy and time-taking homework.

But, things are different if parents choose schooling at home for their children. As children are more focused on the long goal, they score better eventually. Some studies even back the fact that home schoolers brought better results in national/public examinations.

Home schooled Students are not Socially Isolated

It is a popular misconception that students that continue their education through homeschooling lag in social skills. Well, this is not a reality because schooling at home is not about watching educational videos on YouTube or reading stories on the computer screen. Companies that provide homeschooling platforms ensure kids have plenty of extra activities to do alongside their academic curriculum.

Besides that, kids who continue their education at home are more likely to have more time for different social activities like swimming, gymnastics, dancing, playing instruments, etc. Therefore, they have more time to mature socially than students that spend 8-9 hours daily in school. Also, it is not true that schooling at home isolates students socially.

Wrapping Up

In Australia, homeschooling has an annual growth rate of 9.4%, a figure observed throughout the last eight years. Some astounding results show that the success rate of home schooled students is considerably more than publicly schooled students. The average graduation rate is 67% compared to 57.5% for the latter.

The credit goes to popular future learning companies like Euka Australia. Their resources and tools play a significant role in helping students carry on their education at home.


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