the praying woman

Victory and Signs

Gideon had shown many instances where he asked God for signs to prove something God said. We read in Judges 7: 9 that God woke Gideon up and told him to go down into the Midianite camp because God has given Gideon the victory. God went ahead and offered Gideon an additional opportunity to be

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4 Things Schools Should Ban

Schools are meant to educate and train children, referring to the creches, playgroups, nursery, primary and secondary schools. To help through these early years of instruction, there are things schools should ban. By the time children get to Senior secondary and University the children are formed and are adults. Schools and parents work as a

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Research shows Children do influence how they are raised

Researchers reviewed 32 separate studies involving 14,600 pairs of twins. In 23% of cases, parenting style was determined by the child’s personality   Children have a huge input into how they are raised, even though their parents think they are the ones in control. An Israeli study has revealed that in 23 per cent of

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how to celebrate valentines day as a family

Parenting Tip| Obey First and Then We’ll Talk About it

When parents give an instruction but children don’t want to comply or it’s not convenient for them, sometimes they need to learn to “obey first and then we’ll talk about it.” This emphasises obedience. If little Brian has pulled a chair over to the counter and is climbing onto it, you may say, “Brian, we

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LagosMums interviews Mrs Ronke Adeniyi, PoshBababiesandKids and founder of “”

LagosMums interviews Mrs Ronke Adeniyi, the Proprietress of PoshBabiesandKids and Director of PoshPartyPacks on her creation of the website “” to tackle domestic staff issues. Why did you decide to create this website? Great question! The website was put up following a personal experience with a domestic worker which lead to my husband having a very close shave

LagosMums interviews Mrs Ronke Adeniyi, PoshBababiesandKids and founder of “” Read More »

Mother expecting triplets ends up with quadruplets

Kimberly Fugate, exhausted after an intensive labor and grueling cesarean section delivery of identical triplets, was ready to breathe a sign of relief, but the Mississippi mother’s doctor had a surprise for her. “They had got the three out and they said, ‘More feet,’” Fugate said. “‘More feet’ … that’s all I heard and I

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