Parenting Rules Broken Down (Part 1)

Contributed by Abiola Okubanjo, Director of Tiger Lily Children’s Wear. It’s a well-known fact that babies don’t come with instruction manuals.  Even packets of peanuts give us some heads-up as to what to expect with their very informative ‘May contain peanuts’ labelling.  As parents we are entrusted with one of the most precious responsibilities in […]

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Some tips on how to cultivate a Positive Attitude

Listen to good music. Music definitely improves your mood, and it’s a really simple thing to do. Don’t watch television passively. There have been studies that show that people who watch TV less are more happy:…. Which leads me to my next point: Don’t do anything passively. Whenever I do something, I like to ask myself

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Don’t Make Your Children the Exception to Every Rule

By LISA DAMOUR While teaching at a Midwestern university about 15 years ago, I came across a clear case of plagiarism in a student paper. I invited the young woman who had turned in the paper to meet with me to discuss the university’s policies on plagiarism and my concerns about her work. The meeting was

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LagosMums Debate: Mixed Schools vs. Single Sex Schools?

There are different schools of thoughts when this topic is discussed. Each side with their own reason. Mixed schools can be seen as necessary for the interaction between children of both sexes. Pro-mixed school people are quick to say that is good for balance. That it helps the children develop well. The strongest opposition to this

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