
Cranky Kids: Tips to Coping Without Losing Your Mind

Kids are so unpredictable when it comes to expressing themselves. One minute, all appears to be right with the world and they are these angelic, happy, spirits. The next, something goes wrong and they become these cranky little monsters throwing a temper tantrum. Such unpredictability is unnerving to deal with in the first place. When it starts happening repeatedly or in public, it makes matters worse.


How to understand children’s personality types]

It can seem like a last resort to lose your own sanity and feed into their negative behaviors. However, this will only complicate the situation and enable them to do it again in the future. To nip the crankiness in the bud, there are a few things you can do and none of them requires you to jump off the deep end with your kids.

Make Sure There’s Nothing Bigger Going On

No matter how well your child can talk, sometimes they’re unable to verbalize what’s really going on inside of them. If they’ve been especially cranky for some time, it may be worth it to rule out more serious issues prior to trying to find a way to keep them calm.

If their crankiness is often triggered by an overly stimulating circumstance like a crowded mall or a pair of socks, for example, they could be struggling with a sensory disorder in which they’re sensitive to things that stimulate the senses. It may mean making changes like staying out of crowds, purchasing afo socks for better comfort, and creating a place of peace where they can go to calm down.

Talk to Them Calmly

When your child is throwing a tantrum in the middle of the store or yelling at the top of their lungs from the bedroom it can be natural to want to scream and yell at them. Instead, take a few deep breaths and calmly speak to your child.

Express that their behavior isn’t acceptable, but that you do want to know how you can help. They may be inclined to open up about what’s bothering them.


Let Them Vent

A valuable lesson your children will learn as adults is everything doesn’t always go their way. If they are upset because something happened to them that they deemed “unfair”, allow them a few moments to vent.

Guide them to a quieter area to do it, acknowledge their frustration, and then leave the room. Allow them to cry, yell, or throw a pillow around to get out the frustration before they’re able to return to be with the others.

Use Rewards

Once your child is older than two, they’re fully able to comprehend that good behavior gets rewarded. If your child gets cranky because they have to take a bath, go to bed, or get ready for school, start ignoring those behaviors and only singing their praises when they do right. Rewarding them with their favorite snack or an hour watching their favorite tv show can be motivation enough to keep them on the positive track.

Spend Time with Them

Believe it or not, many children act out badly as a cry for attention. If you work a demanding job or have several other children that take up your time, perhaps your little one just needs a bit more mom time. Try to schedule some special play time for just the two of you to have fun.

There are a lot of reasons your child could be cranky and acting out more than normal. Rather than give excuses or losing your sanity in the process, it is imperative to take action. Start by trying to figure out what’s wrong, then acknowledge their feelings (not the behavior). If the reasons for their behavior can be changed (such as lack of time with mom), then do your best to change them. If not, show them how to constructively deal with their emotions and how doing so will reap them great rewards. This, in turn, should help to calm your cranky kid while keeping your mental health intact.

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