How to Use Social Media for Good: A Conversation on Parenting and Digital Well-being

In a world where social media has become an integral part of our lives, the debate about its effects on parenting and children continues. The importance of how to use it for good cannot be overemphasized and was the centre of the recent conversation on parenting and digital well-being with digital citizenship advocate and parenting coach, Yetty Williams, the CEO of LagosMums.

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. It has revolutionized the way we communicate, access information, and interact with the world around us. However, along with its many benefits, the rise of social media has also brought concerns about its impact on our mental health, particularly for children and teenagers.
As parents, it can be overwhelming to navigate the constantly evolving social media landscape and ensure that our children are using these platforms in a responsible and healthy manner. This conversation on “How to Use Social Media for Good: A Conversation on Parenting and Digital Well-being” provided practical tips and advice on how to promote positive use. The aim is to empower parents to have open and informed discussions with their children about digital media, and ultimately, to use it as a force for good in their lives.

Yetty Williams and the co-host of Parenting Today on LagosTalks 91.3FM delve into the dual nature of social media, discussing its potential benefits and drawbacks. They discussed how parents can navigate this digital landscape to ensure a positive online experience for their children.

Social Media and the Law 

Recent lawsuits have been filed against major platforms. With a particular focus on the negative impact of platforms on teenagers. These lawsuits allege that these platforms have encouraged addiction and unhealthy social media consumption practices among young users. While such lawsuits highlight the dark side of social media; they also raise the question of how to make the best of these platforms without succumbing to their negative aspects. 

Meta was sued by 42 attorneys general alleging Facebook, and Instagram features are addictive and target children

The Good and Bad of Social Media

Social media is a double-edged sword. It can be a force for good, connecting people, sharing knowledge, and inspiring positive change. However, it can also be a source of harm, leading to addiction, cyberbullying, and exposure to inappropriate content. The key is understanding how to harness the positive aspects while mitigating the negative ones. 

Parents Role

As parents, the conversation should focus on how we can use social media responsibly and set a positive example for our children. Yetty stresses the importance of being intentional about the content we consume and the content our children are exposed to. It’s vital to consider the role of social media in shaping our children’s values and understanding of the world.

Setting the Right Example

One way to use social media for good is by following content and creators that align with our interests and values. By demonstrating positive and productive engagement on the platforms, parents can show their children how to use them responsibly.

The importance of setting a good example for children to use social media for good is critical Click To Tweet

The Role of Content Creators

The conversation also touches upon the role of content creators, especially those who target children and families. Parents should be diligent in vetting the content their children consume. And ensure that it aligns with their family values and promotes healthy digital habits. 

Protecting Children Online

The discussion highlights the importance of parents actively monitoring and guiding their children’s online activities. It’s crucial to be aware of the content children are exposed to. And to communicate openly with them about the potential risks and benefits. This goes a long way in exposing children to the ways they can use social media for good. 

Both parents and platforms share some responsibilities. It’s not solely the job of parents to protect their children online. In reality, tech companies also need to ensure their platforms provide safe content for young users.

Overall, Social media can be a powerful tool when used responsibly. As parents, it’s our duty to guide our children’s digital experiences and teach them how to navigate the online world safely and positively. By staying engaged and setting a good example, we can help our children grow into responsible and informed digital citizens.

Read Also:

The Dark Psychology of Social Media

Adolescent Social Media Use


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