
LagosMums Mum Of The Month Bola Sokunbi

Our LagosMums Mum for the month is the beautiful, strong and intelligent Bola Onada Sokunbi, founder of We caught up with the excited mother of two year old twins for an insight into motherhood and being a wife in New York city.
Please introduce yourself

My name is Bola Onada Sokunbi. I’m a wife and mum to two-year-old twins and founder of – A platform dedicated to empowering women to make the right decisions for their current and future selves. I created CleverGirlFinance because I believe that every woman can be financially successful in her own right no matter where she comes from if she has access to the right resources and support.

LagosMums Mum of the Month Bola SokunbiWhat do you love most about being a mum? What has the journey been so far?

I love the unconditional love, hearing them say “mummy!” and watching them grow and change every day. The journey has been amazing and totally worth it. Motherhood has been the best thing and also the most challenging thing to ever happen to me. I didn’t realize I had this much love in me and I’ve grown to be a better person because of my children and what I want to be for them.

What scares you most about /challenges you face being a mum?

My biggest challenge was having two babies at once, even with help. It truly takes a village. It took a lot of adjusting and a lot of support and now while it’s still a ton of work, I’ve gotten the hang of things. My biggest fear about being a mum is disappointing my children and so my main focus is being the best mother I can be to them, giving them the best life and teaching them the best way that I can.

Could you share any funny moments as a mum? Or a #funnythingskidssay moment?
My kids are just starting to talk but my daughter is all about kisses and hugs but my son runs off when I ask for a kiss or try to kiss him!
“Motherhood has been the best thing and also most challenging thing to ever happen to me….I’ve grown to be a better person because of my children and what I want to be for them”
[Tweet “Motherhood has been the best thing and also most challenging thing to ever happen to me”]
What lessons have marriage taught you? How long have you been married?

I’ve been married for 5 years and it has taught me patience and how to be a better communicator.

What do you think every home needs? 

Love and a collaborative effort – especially with small children it’s so important that they feel love at home.

What has your passion to profit journey been like? 

My journey is still ongoing but based on what it’s been so far,  I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m challenged and I’m learning and it’s been amazing – I’ve met so many inspiring women and learnt so much that I feel like this is just the beginning of great things to come.

Have you made a career choice based on your role as a mum?

Yes absolutely. I need to be able to control and manage my schedule around my family. I made the decision to shift from working at a job with travel requirements and a long commute to be closer to home and my kids.

How do you balance working and family? Does the word “balance” exist?

No that word does not exist lol. Instead, I just prioritize and do what’s most important first – which is taking care of my family. It does help that my husband is very hands-on; so I don’t really get overwhelmed because he’s super helpful with our kids and in our home.

How do you relax?

I had to stop and really think about that  – with toddlers and work/business I am not sure if there is any relaxing right now so I’ll say listening to podcasts in my car when I’m driving……alone.

(Read from Our Mum of the Month)  
What is your parenting style? 

I’ll be honest and say I don’t have one right now – my kids are so little and so I’m a sucker for them. I try to discipline but then I see the tears and the pouts and it’s over.

What is your guiding philosophy in life?

“God first” – because when I do this everything else falls into place.
“No pity party allowed” – If something isn’t working out for me I cry about it but then I get up and keep it moving. 

Any words for LagosMums? Mums trying to balance the many demands of life. 

One step at a time, one day at a time. Rome was not built in a day – focus on what’s most important first and everything else can come after. I love this platform and the insights and advice you are providing to women like me – it’s wonderful!

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