Ayo Olumide

LM Mum Of The Month: Ayo Olumide

LM Mum Of The Month: Ayo Olumide

LagosMums interviews Ayo Olumide, a mum, writer and entrepreneur. Our mum of the month is the author of “Mums In Waiting”, “City Life” and others.  Enjoy this exclusive interview with the our mum of the month – Ayo Olumide.

Please introduce yourself?
My name is Ayo Olumide, married for 9 years, a stay-at-home mum to 3 lovely girls. When I’ve got extra time, I read, write and play tennis.

Ayo OlumideTell us about your journey from pregnancy to delivery?

After about 44 months of waiting to conceive, it was exciting to have a positive pregnancy test. Each baby has been different but generally, the first 12 weeks isn’t what you want to look forward to, you are so uneasy, with a mixed bag of emotions, you swing from excitement to exhaustion in one day. The next 12 weeks is generally comfortable but it quickly flies by and you start going down on your energy once more and anxiously waiting for your due date. I had a C-section for all 3 girls, it was quick and sadly didn’t experience ‘labour’.

Tell us about your decision to become an author?

I had been writing simple articles here and there since secondary school but only sat down to write my first four books during NYSC. Partly scared of not getting a job, I thought, I’ll write and sell them. Everyone should be an author because we all have individual stories and experiences to share but inspiration and discipline have kept most of us back.

What type of books do you write?

Mainly whatever I’m experiencing in life at the moment. It’s pretty much sharing my journal with you.

How many books have you written and published thus far?

I’ve written 8 books but published only 6.

Tell us about your journey thus far in the literary world?

It’s a large space out there with all sorts of writers. A decade or two ago, people were still reading physical books but now a lot more people are reading e-books, so one has to keep up with the trend in publishing style. You soon realize some of your titles sell a lot better than other but that doesn’t mean you should stop writing. Writing is slower for me with more kids to raise and less quiet with our frenetic pace in this city we live in

What are the challenges you have faced as a female author?

There is fairly a leveled playing field for all irrespective of one’s gender.

How have you been able to handle the financial constraints?

There are constraints in everything you want to do but you have to look past it to achieve your goals. I’ve learnt to invest in good publishing so the quality of the book stands out. Marketing and advertising is a gamble, there are no guarantees. Don’t expect profits too quickly.

If you could change one thing in the education sector, what would it be?

I would like to change the student’s mindset. Instead of just studying a course whether you like it or under pressure to make money, look for a problem in society you’re passionate to see it resolved, go study about it, leave school and get about solving it. What a difference that would make to us and our communities.

What do you love about motherhood?

The rare opportunity to bring another child into this world, the privilege to nurture and care for them and the miracle to see them growing daily. It’s demanding but rewarding

One word that describes being a Lagos mum (being a mum in Lagos)?


What other business do you do aside from being a writer?

Taking care of the kids and managing the home takes up a large chunk of my time daily, writing is what I do in my spare time. Other business is reading and hanging out with my girlfriends

How do you balance work and family? Does the word “balance” really exist?

I no longer work so I can spend time with my family. I could not balance both, working for someone takes up most of your active energy and what’s left is the residual energy for those who matter the most. Work-life balance is hard work ,it’s a continuous and conscious effort to keep everyone a priority, in a city like Lagos, it’s possible but tough to keep it up

What keeps you going?

God’s grace and knowing someday, my little efforts will be rewarded

What  your child/ children name (s)? Why did you give him/her the names?

Feyi, Ife, Oyin. No special reasons apart from the fact that we liked the names. I pray they like the names when they grow up and not change it wondering why we gave them those names

How old is your Son/ Daughter?

2 months, 3 years and 5 years respectively

What is the difference between the way you were brought up and the way you will train your child/children?

Lots of differences, you will agree with me that the times has changed but two things I’m trying to do differently is try to answer every question every child asks, if you don’t answer their questions, they will ask someone else or make up their mind what the right opinion should be. I would like to spend more quality time with each one, baking, swimming, making crafts, reading a bedtime story each evening and praying with them daily

What is the weirdest/ funniest thing that has happened to you as a mum?

Just being in the house one day and next being rushed in the ambulance to a hospital. I’ve learnt to take a break before I break down, never be ashamed to ask for help and support, to stay fit and eat healthy to have the requisite energy to be a mum

What one thing do you think should never be missing from every home?

A key to a room you can go to, lock yourself up when one is overwhelmed just to let off the steam and calm down in a hot tub with a good book for at least an hour I hope

What would you like your child (ren) to remember about you?

That I wasn’t too busy for them but was there for them and that I was a real mum not knowing all the answers but trying to give them my best

What scares you most about being a mother?

If all the effort is ever enough and whether one is making the right decision each time

What advice would you give to women who are considering making writing a career?

Don’t wait for perfect conditions, keep writing, make writing a hobby before a profit making venture

What is one advice you would give to single ladies contemplating marriage?

Don’t be desperate to get married, many who are married want to get out or are enduring it. Be secure in who you are not looking to marriage to give you that security or define who you are. Marriage is a lot of work, be prepared to make compromises to keep the peace and unity.

What lesson has marriage taught you?

Don’t expect much from your anyone so you won’t be disappointed. Depend on God to meet all your physical, spiritual and emotional needs.

What do you wish you had known about marriage?

There’s nothing like being compatible, with the different phases and stages in a marriage, one quickly discovers how incompatible a couple can be

What is the most important skill that a Lagos mum needs?

Ability to multitask.

How do you relax as a family? Where is your favorite hangout?

Eating out with kids at a play area. Eko hotel

What’s your philosophy of life?

Life is too short, make every day count doing what you enjoy not pleasing people.

Ayo Olumide 2For Ayo Olumide’s books, they are available on Amazon, eBay, Barnes & Noble.

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