Janet Adetu

More Tips For Raising Polite Children

In an earlier post we talked about the issue of more and more children who do not seem to have manners and are not polite. They seem to leave adults asking “where are your manner”. Here are more tips for raising polite children.


6. Responsible:

Thinking Teach your child to be responsible for their actions and to be mindful of the decisions they make. The act of right or wrong in a skill, which takes discipline. With the right foundation and a strong idea of what is acceptable at home and what is not. Hopefully your child will desist from being easily influenced or cajoled into doing what they would not normally do.

7. Shake off Laziness:

There is nothing wrong with domestic help at home to assist you with your children and the welfare of your home. It becomes a problem when your child is completely dependent and reliant on that person, such that they cultivate a lackadaisical attitude to life in general. Avoid situations where a poorly kept room is condoned because the housekeeper will take care of it. Clothes on the floor, wet towels scattered, socks and shoes in disarray is a sign of laziness that can grow out of control. Assign periodical chores that must be performed to instil discipline and proper acts of behaviour.

8. Table Manners:

Teach your child proper conduct at the table. Basic skills include (a) Sitting Position (b) Use of cutlery (c) Eating composure (d) Conversation skills (e) Being nice at the table. There are dining etiquette skills that professionals can teach your child. These traits bring out the true polish of a child. It has been said that the best place to see the level of panache is by the way they dine. Let your child not be found wanting.

9. Niceness & Politeness:

The Golden rule is to treat others the way you want to be treated. Teach your children to be their brother’s keeper. Starting with their siblings the act of being nice is a must. It is about feeling free to share toys, information, knowledge and possessions when need be. Being nice to siblings grows into being nice to friends, colleagues, teachers, family members and parents. Stop all attitude that protrude selfishness, greediness, pride or offensiveness. Do not accept growing negativity, as this is the beginning of personality and character identification. Your child must make that effort to go out their way to be nice and polite. Gracious women and men today think of others as they think of themselves. They stand out from the crowd.

10.Bullying Traits:

Bullying tendencies start from insecurity and negative self-talk. It can also emanate from bad gossiping behind someone’s back. Teach your child to be content with what they have now and promote their potential to be great in life. The tenacity and drive to succeed should be exhibited in you first; your child will emulate you.

Janet Adetu

Contributed by Janet Adetu, JSK Etiquette & Image Training | @JSKEtiquette

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