
Over-Creative? How Parents Can Help their Multipotential Children Focus

Multipotentiality is a thing! Have you ever wondered if there is something like being over-creative? If someone has many talents and interests and finds themselves constantly jumping from one project to another, struggling to stay focused on one thing for long periods. Then they may be multipotential; which is the ability to excel in multiple fields or interests. While this can be a great strength in certain circumstances, it can also hinder productivity.

What is Multipotentiality?

Multipotentiality refers to the ability or potential of a person to excel in multiple fields, interests or areas. People with multipotentiality tend to have diverse talents and interests, and they often pursue several careers or interests throughout their lifetime.

While multipotentiality can be a strength in certain circumstances, it can also hinder productivity. For example, if someone has too many interests and projects going on simultaneously, they may find it difficult to focus on any one thing long enough to make significant progress. This can lead to a lack of direction and a feeling of being scattered or overwhelmed.



Can Multipotentiality Hinder Productivity?

The short answer is yes, multipotentiality can hinder productivity. When a person has too many interests and projects going on at the same time, it can be challenging to focus on any one thing long enough to make significant progress. This can lead to a lack of direction and a feeling of being scattered or overwhelmed. Additionally, society often places a high value on specialization and expertise in a particular area, which can make it challenging for multipotential individuals to find fulfilling work or feel validated in their pursuits. This can lead to feelings of frustration or inadequacy, and may even discourage them from pursuing their interests and talents.

Additionally, society often places a high value on specialization and expertise in a particular area, which can make it challenging for multipotential individuals to find fulfilling work or feel validated in their various pursuits. When such a person tries to fit in a box, gets hired for the wrong role or doesn’t have an environment that manages their varied interests, it can feel very underwhelming.

However, multipotentiality can be a tremendous asset when managed effectively. By learning to balance their interests and prioritize their goals, multipotential individuals can bring a unique perspective and skill set to their work and personal lives. They may be able to connect seemingly disparate ideas and bring new insights to their fields, which can lead to innovative solutions and groundbreaking work.

Multipotential? Here are 6 Steps to Stay Focused

Over-creativity can lead to a feeling of being all over the place. I am sure you have heard the term “jack of all trades and master of none”. Likewise, the book “Outliers” by Malcolm Gladwell suggests that expertise comes from 10,000 hours of focused practice in a particular pursuit or field. If you’re struggling with a lack of focus from multipotentiality, here are six steps that can help you stay focused and achieve your specific goals.

  1. Clarify Goals: Set clear and specific goals that align with your values and interests. Break down your goals into manageable steps and create a timeline for achieving them.
  2. Prioritize Tasks: Prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency. This will help you stay focused on what’s most critical and avoid getting sidetracked by less important tasks. People with multipotential tendencies tend to take on more than they can actually deliver.
  3. Create a Schedule: Create a schedule or routine for your day. Having a set time for work, exercise, rest, and leisure can help you stay on track and avoid distractions. Parent’s
  4. Eliminate Distractions: Identify and eliminate any distractions that may interfere with your focus. This could include turning off your phone, finding a quiet workspace, or using apps that block social media during work hours.
  5. Practice Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness techniques such as meditation or deep breathing. This can help you reduce stress and stay centred, allowing you to focus more effectively.
  6. Find Support: Find a support system, such as a coach, mentor, or accountability partner, who can help you stay motivated and on track. This person can provide encouragement and guidance when you’re feeling overwhelmed or stuck.

How Parents Can Help Their Children Stay Focused

Many children today get easily distracted, especially with the influence of social media. Children might actively be thinking of how to become an influencer.  Watching hours of videos on TikTok or chatting with people on Snapchat. It can be hard to stay focused on finding your true interests when there are so many potential paths to success. And in a world where everyone shares their overnight success stories online, FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), is real.

When it comes to multipotentiality, the key is to find the right balance - to have the ability to explore multiple interests and talents, while maintaining focus and direction. That's the key to unlocking true productivity. Click To Tweet

Learn how to set SMART Goals

Encourage your child to set clear and specific goals that align with their values and interests. Help them break down their goals into manageable steps and create a timeline for achieving them. A SMART goal is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound learning this early is truly a lifelong gift. With this in place, you can assist your child in prioritizing tasks based on their importance and urgency. This will help them stay focused on what’s most critical and avoid getting sidetracked by less important tasks.

Set Routines

Help them create a schedule or routine for their day. Having a set time for work, exercise, rest, and leisure can help them stay on track and avoid distractions. Children thrive when they have a routine and schedule that they follow. While being flexible when needed. As part of this routine creating screen time limits should be a top priority.

Stay Focused and Reduce Distraction

Help your child to identify and eliminate any distractions that may interfere with their focus. This could include turning off their phone and finding a quiet workspace. In addition, it can be helpful to use apps that block social media during school or study time.

Quiet Time

Encourage your children o practice mindfulness techniques such as meditation or deep breathing. This can help them reduce stress and stay centred, allowing them to focus more effectively. Especially for those who have multipotentiality tendencies,  the ability to have quiet time and reduce information overload is critical.

Get Support

Whether it is an accountability partner or a more formal support system, such as a coach or mentor, support is always beneficial. Help your child find someone they trust who can help them stay motivated and on track. This person can provide encouragement and guidance when they’re feeling overwhelmed or stuck.

By following these steps, you can help your child build their resilience muscle against distraction and achieve their goals. If they have multipotential tendencies, learning these skills early will help them stay focused. Click To Tweet

While multipotentiality can hinder productivity, it can also be a tremendous asset when managed effectively. By clarifying goals, prioritizing tasks, creating a schedule, eliminating distractions, being mindful and finding support, you can stay focused and achieve your specific goals and reduce the overwhelm of doing too much.

Read Also: How to Flourish in the Digital Age

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