homeschooling in Nigeria

Mum of the Month: Tomilola The Face Of Homeschooling In Nigeria

When it comes to homeschooling in Nigeria, this is the world of Tomilola, and we are all living in it. Recently featured on BBC News Pidgin for her approach to home education, Tomilola is an introverted Lagos mum who is redefining homeschooling in Nigeria. 


From juggling product photography to nurturing a community of homeschoolers in Nigeria, grab your favorite Lagos-blend coffee, and let’s dive into the mind of the woman changing the face of homeschooling in Nigeria with cuddleblog !

 So Tomilola, How does a day in the life of Nigeria’s homeschooling queen typically go?

  Well, I am a Stay-at-home mum/Homeschooling Mum. In my free time I work as a product photographer and manage a community of homeschooling parents.

what’s the secret side of Tomilola that your homeschooling community in Nigeria might never guess?

Okay so contrary what people expect,  I am very introverted.

Can you paint the picture of your family behind the homeschooling phenomenon.

I am married and I have 2 amazing boys

if you don’t mind giving us a little more detail on how you met your husband and how long you’ve been together?

I met him when I wanted to learn more about photography, I needed a mentor. I found a mentor, he found a wife. We have been married for 9 years now.

Would you say you and your husband are the same when it comes to parenting?

Absolutely not, We don’t have the same parenting style but we sort of balance each other out when we need to by having conversations, playing good cop-bad cop and holding each other accountable when the other is going on the extreme.

Okay, children are pretty funny, so what’s the funniest thing your little ones have done?

One Sunday after church we asked our 2 year old what he learnt in church and he said “I suck my thumb”

homeschooling in Nigeria

Your passion for homeschooling is palpable! What is it about your work?

 I love that my work gives me the opportunity to be a positive influence, affect people’s lives and make an impact.

What’s your secret as far as preparing your children for the future is concerned ?

The way I approach it is to expose them to various interests and experiences and help them have great decision-making skills and trust them with their choice when the time is right.

How crucial is your support system, especially while you’re homeschooling in Nigeria?

It is very very important for Mums to have great, available support in every area because we do a lot and look out for ourselves by deliberately seeking out those who will support us on this journey of parenting cannot be overemphasized. I have support in my spouse, my parents, online communities, friends and neighbors

How would you compare raising children today to your upbringing?

 We are grasping at what is left of the knowledge of our culture, if we don’t actively do anything about it, it will be lost. I think that we have also lost the sense of communal parenting, where one child is everyone’s child and can be corrected when seen doing something wrong. Now, you have to be careful whose child you can correct.

So how are you prepping your kids for this wild, ever-changing world?

 Raising them to adapt, think critically, have girt by making up scenarios for them to be in those kinds of situations that will let them develop those skills. Incorporating into their learning activities

The million-naira question—how do you juggle homeschooling in Nigeria, Cuddleblog and your career as a photographer? Is balance even a thing?

I don’t think there is such a thing as balance because in different seasons you require more or less of yourself in different areas. Stay content in each season, do what you can excellently, rest, don’t think the grass is greener on the other side and define success for yourself and work towards it with God’s help.

 Let’s talk about your journey! What sparked your passion for digital creation and becoming the go-to consultant for homeschooling in Nigeria?

I found the type of work that would help me be present with my kids and Homeschool them. It was work I could do in the evenings and night once they go to bed, it was more strategic work than muscle work and I am grateful for it.

What’s the most jaw-dropping revelation you’ve learnt since you’ve been coaching  ?

What surprises me constantly is how much people still don’t want to be involved in their children’s education. They want the best for their kids but they don’t want to be the ones to do it. It still surprises me.

Spill a word of advice to Nigerian parents on nurturing their child’s dream career?

Like I mentioned earlier. We want to train independent people who can make decisions for themselves. We also need to train our children to trust us to step in if we see they are making a choice that we know might not be the best for them. So an intersection between learning how to make decisions themselves, trusting the parents and letting them trust their instincts.

So Real talk, how has being a mum and homeschooling in Nigeria transformed you?

Motherhood has taught me that I am so much more, I can be so much more and motherhood is just a part of my identity, not the whole.

Q: Your digital footprint in Nigeria’s homeschooling scene is goals! Dish on your journey and what keeps your creative juices flowing.

A: I started content creation about 15 years ago writing personal blogs and contributing to blogs. I love writing and that’s what inspires me, I love telling my stories and connecting with people.

Time to debunk! What’s the biggest parenting myth that makes you roll your eyes?

Lol, next question.

 Self-care is non-negotiable, especially when you’re revolutionizing homeschooling in Nigeria! What’s your ultimate me-time ritual?

Take one hour in a day to think about yourself, take one day in a week to do something for you/rest, and take one week in a month to do something towards your dreams.

homeschooling in Nigeria

 Do you have style secrets and beauty must-haves?

 I have none. Lol. I wear the most comfortable thing I can find and I stay moisturized with shea oil.

 If you could whisper one thing in the ear of every mom considering homeschooling in Nigeria, what would it be?

Advocate for your children, advocate for yourself, be content and live the best life on your terms.

 Last but not least—what makes your heart skip a beat about LagosMums?

I love how Lagos mums are about the whole mum. They understand that we need support and they are a great resource for the support that is needed through this busy life of motherhood.

Ready for Rapid Fire Trivia with Lagos mums? 


₦1 Million or more sleep?

A: 1 Million Naira

Q: Dream scenario: An all-expenses-paid shopping spree or a luxury trip of your dream?

A: All expense-paid trips to my dream destination LagosMums don’t only ask o, make it happen. Lol

Q: Be honest: Homeschooling in Nigeria or traditional Nigerian schools?

A: For me, Homeschooling.

Q: What’s your ultimate recharge: A day at Lagos’ finest spa or a gastronomic adventure at the hottest restaurant?

A: Eat out.

Whether you’re a seasoned homeschooler, just curious or pro traditional schools, there’s a place for you in our community.

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