Ugandan Nanny Who Abused Toddler Begs for Forgiveness

Ugandan nanny who abused toddler begs for forgiveness. According to Uganda Online, Jolly Tumuhiirwe speaking from prison has asked the ‘world’ to forgive her for what she did. She is reported as saying that “My dad in Kabale was very sick and yet my mom did not have any money. I asked my bosses for some money to send to my dad but they told me that I hadn’t made a month yet and my father was dying, so it kept on haunting me.”

“That is the more reason I referred the anger to the baby but I’m sorry. But that madam (Arnella’s mom) is not easy. She used to say that I steal money from the clothes and Eric’s wallet, I eat the babies food…and yet I can’t eat the food, I’m not a baby, those were all lies, so, I was also not happy from my heart.”

“I feel guilty..ok when I was doing it I thought I was disciplining the baby because also the mother sometimes slaps her, I also saw from the mom. The torch I used was small and it’s not hard. I think, I will never do it again” I ask the world to forgive me and also tell the bosses who have maids to treat them well.”

There is no excuse enough for the assault she reigned on the innocent toddler, the nanny is suggesting she was taking out her frustrations on the baby because she was denied care for her sick father and because she was accused falsely by her madam of stealing – both food and money. It is very wrong for the nanny to have done this to the child no matter the circumstances she was going through.

While her bosses were not obliged to give her money towards an ailing parent. However the big lesson from here is once again there are things that bosses should keep in mind. If you mistreat a nanny, then they will likely take it out on your child somehow especially if the child is young and cannot speak out.

If you think your nanny is stealing for whatever reason, it is probably better to let them go than to keep them around – they are either really stealing or you are innocently accusing someone of a crime they are not committing and they can take it out on you someday, or take it out on your child. There are some nannies who do their job grudgingly and unhappily, these types should not be hired. Rather look for a good attitude, a teachable spirit and also do your part to treat them right.

Parents if we are going to hire domestic staff, we need to be sure that we have someone who cares for our children and home as if it were their younger siblings or their home. If you don’t have the right vibe between yourself and your nanny, it is better to let them go till you find the right one than to manage each other.

source: Ugandaonline
photo source: motherhoodinstyle
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