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5 Family Bonding Ideas to Try Out this Weekend

During this lock-down period the one thing that is an advantage is the opportunity to truly spend time together, bonding as a family with minimal distraction. Virtual Hangouts Family Friendly things,

With all outdoor leisure activities on hold, there are no typical parties, play dates, etc, to go to. It is a great time to bond with family over the weekend.

Here are 5 ways you can bond with your family this weekend.

1. Tell Stories


Every parent was once a child. Share with your children stories from some of your childhood memories. You can create a story out of an experience you had when you were their age. Teach them valuable life lessons using yourself as an example. Another way you can bond over story telling is by reading to them from a story book. Have them pull out their story books and sit while your read to their hearing.

2. Create a Travel Itinerary

Create a travel itinerary with the children! Let them tell you somewhere they would like to visit. Have them make a list with you of places they have always admired and would like to visit. A great way to bond with and also teach them is to let them look up the location of those places on the map. You can note such places down in your travel itinerary and tell them they can visit after the lock-down is over.

3. Pray and read the Bible

Child reading the bible, bonding

Another excellent way to bond both emotionally and spiritually as a family is to read the Bible and pray together. [Tweet “Make God real for the children in ways that they can understand.”] Use Bible story books and kids’ Bibles to teach them about God. Teach your children how to pray and let them each take turns to say their prayers.

4. Look at old photos together.

Teenage suicide. / raise digits savvy children, bonding

This lock-down period is a good time to sit at home and pull out old photos. You can show your children old photos online or physical old albums if you still have any. Show them photos of yourself as a child if you have any and let them have fun picking out some of the features that you and them have in common. You can also show them pictures from when they were babies.

5. Play Games together.

video games,bonding

You can go simple with games. Play board games like Monopoly, Ludo, Scrabble, etc or use technology. Playing games as a family is an interesting bonding activity. Surprise your children by playing video games with them. Let them be your teacher and show you how to play their favorite video games.

Have a great family bonding weekend!

Read also Family Friendly Educational Games to Play this Weekend

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