5 Reasons Your Kids and Teens Should Learn to Code This Summer

Have you found yourself wondering, “What’s with all the hype about programming lately?”

With over 1 million Computer Science jobs expected to go unfilled by 2020, educators and parents have realized that coding has become as vital as reading, writing, and math. For modern students who will be entering universities and the workforce in the next decade, it’s a basic literacy–one we can’t afford to overlook.

At Spark IT Bootcamp, we emphasize the importance of teaching kids to code in our summer Bootcamp and these are 5 key Reasons Kids & Teens Should Learn to Code This Summer

ObaoluwaOdelana, 12 years old Game Developer

Spark IT Bootcamp Alumni

  1. Programmers are in high demand.

71% of all new STEM jobs are in computing, yet only 8% of STEM graduates are in Computer Science. That’s a SERIOUS shortage of Computer Science majors. Learning to code will increase your child’s odds of securing a lucrative STEM career, especially in a world where computing jobs are growing at over twice the national average. Coding has quickly become a vital skill, and Computer Science majors can earn 40% more than the counterparts.

  1. Coding provides a competitive advantage when applying to universities, internships, and jobs. 

If you possess a hot skill that many of your peers lack–such as the ability to code–you instantly appear more desirable in the eyes of potential university admissions officers and employers. Students ages 6-17 can gain a competitive edge this summer by enrolling in coding courses at Spark IT Bootcamp Tech Summer camp

Bolaji Olagbegi, a Spark IT Bootcamp alumni landed an internship program with Microsoft

  1. Coding fosters other crucial 21st century skills like critical thinking and problem-solving.

For many developers, part of the appeal of coding is the challenge and reward of seeing their code come to life after a good debugging session. Don’t be fooled, however–with the right instruction, getting started with programming can be easy and fun.

  1. With programming knowledge, students better understand the world around them.

Most of us don’t know the first thing about what makes our smartphones, laptops, social media networks, and video games run. Basic programming knowledge can change the way we interact the technologies we use (and take for granted) daily, and can open our eyes to the infinite possibilities of coding.

  1. Programming is fun and satisfying.

While programming is logic-based, it’s also an extremely creative activity. If you know how to code, you can develop apps, video games, web sites, and more

Convinced? The good news is, your child can begin learning to code today.

Start Your Child’s Coding Journey Today

Register now and empower your child learn to code! View Spark IT Bootcamp Courses for kids and teens.

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