Toddler's creativity

How to Spark Your Toddler’s Creativity And Imagination

By age six months onwards, your toddler has become even more curious about his surroundings, experimenting on various things; putting on his mouth whatever he gets his hands on. It is by this time that you see that your baby is excited to explore the world around him. It is also by this time that you have to level up to more advanced ways to hone two of the most important aspects of your toddler’s overall development— creativity and imagination.

Toddler's creativityHere are ways to spark your toddler’s creativity in the home.

Introduce Shapes and Colors

One effective way to stimulate your child’s creativity is to fill his world with colors and shapes. Redecorate his baby color-themed nursery by painting the walls with vibrant colors and maybe even turning it into a mural wall painted with children-friendly characters and drawings. Adorn his room with decorations of various shapes, colors, and sizes.

Toddler's creativityOne effective way to stimulate your child’s creativity is to fill his world with colors and shapes Click To Tweet

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Innovative Toys

Give him toys that will incite his creative imagination. Building blocks are ideal toys for this age, not only because it works to improve fine motor skills but also encourage your kid to use his imagination to build. Stacking toys such as stackable cups and pails are also exciting for your child and will also be good for the stimulation of his creativity.

Arts and Crafts

Do toddler art projects with him. Who says a toddler like your child is too young for an art project? There is no age limit for anyone who desires to be a Picasso or a Van Gogh. However, there are appropriate art projects for every age, especially for children. For your toddler, you can engage him in a little painting session. Paint his feet and hands with non-toxic, water-based, and hypoallergenic poster colors and have him put his hand and foot marks on a piece of paper or canvass. This will not only spark his creativity but also elicit giggles from him. Just be sure that you clean him thoroughly afterward and that he does not put his hands in his mouth during the activity.

Help grow their Visual Imagination

Encourage imaginative pretend plays. You may not find your toddler zooming around pretending to be Superman like his older brother but it doesn’t mean that he can’t engage in his own kind of imaginative pretend plays. As early as now, you can encourage pretend plays by playing with your child. For example, you can pretend to be characters in a story, use his Baby Einstein puppet to act as a wizard while you are the princess and your toddler is the hero of the story.

Read Books to them

Toddlers are fascinated with books especially those that have vivid and colorful visual prints and images. Engage him to browse at these books while you go on to read to him the adventures of little duckling or the classic Pinocchio. Remember, even though you’re toddler is too young to completely comprehend an entire story, this is a stepping stone in stimulating his imagination.

Toddler's creativityYour toddler’s have untapped creativity that needs to be honed. It is up to you as a parent to awaken their creative imagination, and help him make it bloom and flourish.

Read Also [Top 5 Books That Will Spark Your Creativity]

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