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Serious Accidental Injuries in the Under Five

Minor injuries are common in childhood – they are a normal part of children growing up, testing out new abilities and exploring the world. However, every hour, four children under the age of five are admitted to hospital with more serious accidental injuries.  In 2010, 83 under-fives died following accidents. The real safety risks Child […]

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Good Parent, Bad Parent: The Five Parenting Techniques To Avoid

By mia bolaris-forget Even those of us who don’t have kids shake our heads at the parenting techniques of others and have our own opinions about how we would handle the same situation and discipline our children. In fact, we all have a particular parenting style (well before we actually become parents) and it’s based

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Growing a Generation Who Doesn’t know How to Fail

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill Andy Braner, wrote an article on HuffingtonPost and the key things he raised are how parents today are raising children who are becoming adults who do not know how to fail. This issue is not only

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living like Jesus

Walking with Integrity

People with integrity live by fairness, even when fairness puts them at a disadvantage or causes them significant difficulty. They fight fair even when those around them do not. People of integrity consider their word their bond, allowing their “yes” to mean “yes” and their “no” to mean “no.” People of integrity are authentic and

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