
Tips for Choosing Quality Education beyond Pricing

The most expensive education is not necessarily the best for your child.

There is a common belief that the more money parents invest in their child’s education, the better the outcome will be. However, a growing body of research and real-life experiences show that the most expensive education is not necessarily the best for your child.

While formal education plays a crucial role in shaping a child’s future, the importance of ‘home training’ cannot be overstated. This begins with parents instilling discipline, diligence, kindness, and respect in their child’s upbringing. It is the foundation upon which a child’s character and moral compass are built. No amount of money can substitute for the values and principles taught within the family setting.


Prioritizing  holistic growth

In a world that often prioritizes material possessions and achievements, it becomes imperative to instill values that transcend monetary worth. When parents solely focus on providing the most expensive education for their child, they risk neglecting the development of important qualities such as empathy, integrity, and resilience. These values cannot be bought but should be taught and nurtured within the family setting if they exist.

The best education is one that encompasses not only academic excellence but also a well-rounded development of the child’s physical and mental well-being. While expensive schools may boast state-of-the-art facilities and a wide range of extracurricular activities, it does not guarantee the nurturing of a child’s full potential.

Instead, parents should consider schools that prioritize holistic growth, providing a balanced approach that includes sports, arts, community service, entrepreneurship, and leadership opportunities.

Education beyond Pressure

In today’s hyper-connected and consumer-driven competitive society, there is a constant pressure to ensure that your child goes to the same prestigious school or participates in the same expensive extracurricular activities as their peers.

However, succumbing to this pressure can be detrimental to both the child’s well-being and the family’s financial stability. It is vital to remember that each child is unique and has different needs and aspirations.

What may be suitable for one child may not necessarily be the best choice for another. Carefully consider a child’s individual needs and personality traits before making such a significant investment.


Tips on Considering Individuality

Expensive institutions are not immune to the negative social dynamics that can impact a child’s emotional well-being.

A hyper-competitive environment can lead to stress and anxiety with a detrimental impact on self-esteem. A shy and introverted child may struggle to thrive in a large and highly competitive school environment.

Schools sometimes encourage extroverted behaviour and promote intense competition among students. A shy, introverted or somewhat withdrawn child faced with such an environment may retire into their shell which may be difficult to recover from in later years.

Instead, it is essential to consider a school that fosters a nurturing and supportive environment, where individuality is celebrated and encouraged. Smaller class sizes, personalized attention from teachers, and a curriculum that focuses on holistic development can better cater to the needs of introverted children. They can gradually build confidence and excel academically without feeling overwhelmed or overshadowed. Remember, a child’s emotional well-being and overall development are as important as their academic achievements.


It is our responsibility as parents to find an educational environment that supports and nurtures our child’s unique qualities and allows them to flourish, ensuring their happiness and success in the long run. Indeed, research has consistently shown that emotional well-being is strongly correlated with academic success and overall life satisfaction. Prioritizing a school based on its reputation and price tag rather than its suitability for a particular child’s needs can result in an environment that does not foster a positive educational experience.

Tips when Considering Your Budget

An overemphasis on expensive education can also create financial burdens for parents, potentially impacting the family’s financial stability and well-being. It is important to strike a balance between investing in education and considering what is feasible within one’s financial means. Parents should seek the best educational opportunities within their budget, ensuring that they have the financial resources to meet other essential needs and provide a stable home environment.



Whilst it is important to aspire to give the best to your children be careful not to jeopardize your retirement savings.

When parents sacrifice their retirement savings to pay for an education they cannot afford, it ultimately harms everyone involved. Share on X

Financial strain can lead to stress and uncertainty, impacting the family’s well-being and future stability. It is essential to prioritize financial security and make sound decisions that benefit both the child and the family’s long-term financial standing.

Try to strike a balance between providing a quality education and ensuring financial stability for the future.


The key is to resist the pressure to keep up with societal expectations and instead focus on fostering an environment that nurtures a child’s individuality, happiness, and overall growth.

In doing so, parents will have a better chance of providing their child with a truly enriching education, one that extends far beyond the price tag associated with it.



Nimi Akinkugbe has extensive experience in private wealth management. She seeks to empower people regarding their finances and offers frank, practical insights to create a greater awareness and understanding of personal finance.


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