The 19 month old daughter of US Olympic skier Bode Miller drowned

19 Month Old Daughter Of US Olympic Skier Bode Miller Drowned During A Pool Party

This is such a disheartening news. The 19 month old daughter of US Olympic skier Bode Miller drowned in a southern California swimming pool, authorities said on Monday.

The 19 month old daughter of US Olympic skier Bode Miller drowned

Emeline Miller died at an Orange county hospital on Sunday, the day after paramedics tried unsuccessfully to revive her.

This news cast new light on the dangers of drowning – which is the number two cause of death (among young children in the United States).

This sweet little girl Emeline Miller drowned in a swimming pool during a pool party.

I am sharing this because just yesterday I was at a pool party and right in front of us two boys who couldn’t swim had a near drown incident.

Luckily a dad saw it quickly and called the attention of the lifeguard who in turn jumped in to save them. Only for the child to get back in pool later with no adult supervision.

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To prevent such an incident, I have certain pool rules.
  • Either my husband, myself, their nanny or a designated adult needs to be with the kids at a pool party.
  • If there are too many kids and not enough lifeguards at the pool they do not swim.
  • Parents please keep an eye on your kids in the pool especially when it is a pool party. Kids can get rough sometimes.
  • For parents who plan pool parties. You need to have enough lifeguards and have enough adults who are actually watching the children.

Parents are advised to ensure that their children start swimming lessons early. It is also advisable to note that while it is encouraged that children start swimming early, you also need to take necessary precautions to ensure their safety during training sessions.

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