Developing Our Gifts and Talents

Developing Our Gifts and Talents

We are all born with different gifts and talents, and how we live our lives will tell on how we diminish or develop our potential. Developing ourselves in our day-to-day actions brings about a sure fulfillment of our God-given gifts and talents. Therefore, it is important that our lifestyle involves characteristics of good virtues to bring this about.

Developing Our Gifts and TalentsThere are ways to grow and develop in our God-given gifts and talents; and these are known as the five Es – Exposure, Education, Environment, Experience, and Evaluation.


Have exposure to people who have experience and abilities in the areas in which you wish to grow. Make sure you can see a living, breathing person who does excellent work in that area. As you observe this person, you will pick up on traits and principles which make that person good at what they do.


Education is where you intentionally take time to learn a certain topic. You might sit down and listen to how someone does something. You may also want to read a book on the subject or take a class. Whatever the topic, be sure to be an active learner.


You need a place where you can grow in your gifts and ask any question without being made to feel stupid. You need an environment where you can learn without fear of failure. A good environment can also be a place where people involved in your area of interest work or hang out. Internships can be great ways to be in the right environment.

You need a place where you can grow in your gifts and ask any question without being made to feel stupid. You need an environment where you can learn without fear of failure. Click To Tweet

Developing Our Gifts and TalentsRead Also: Encouraging Children’s Gifts and Talents


Nothing beats experience and good old trial and error. After being exposed to something, you should try it yourself. You probably won’t be great at it right away, but you’ll never get better if you don’t gain experience. You need plenty of opportunities to try, fail, learn from mistakes, and grow.

Nothing beats experience and good old trial and error Click To Tweet


If you are really going to grow in a particular area, you must receive evaluation. You need to receive helpful, honest feedback from someone you trust and respect. Hopefully this will come in a kind and encouraging manner. Without evaluation, you’ll miss out on opportunities for growth.

As inviduals, parents, and a community, developing our gifts and talents does not only benefit us but also the society at large. A healthy and wealthy lifestyle is what we should all set to achieve to see us grow exponentially.

Read Also: Developing Our Talents

Culled from CRU

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