myths and realities of learning disabilities

7 Myths And Realities Of Learning Disabilities

In simple terms, a learning disability results from a difference in the way a person’s brain is “wired.” Children with learning disabilities are as smart or smarter than their peers. But they may have difficulty reading, writing, spelling, reasoning, recalling and/or organizing information if left to figure things out by themselves or if taught in conventional ways.

Knowing how to spot learning difficulties is the first step to eventually getting your child the help he/she might need. It will also dispel any fears or worries especially if they are unnecessary. There are many misconceptions about what learning disabilities are that is why it is necessary to know the myths and realities of learning disabilities.

myths and realities of learning disabilities

Myths and realities of learning disabilities

Note that many children have difficulty with reading, writing, or other learning-related tasks at some point, but this does not mean they have learning disabilities. A professional assessment is necessary to diagnose a learning disability.

Myth 1

People with learning disabilities are lazy or unmotivated.


Kids with learning disabilities are not lazy. Their brains process information in different ways. Their brains have trouble focusing and making sense of language, written words and numbers. They often have to work harder, but the results may not show their efforts.

A learning disability is not a character flaw, and children who struggle with learning disabilities are often trying harder than their peers. It’s important that parents and teachers offer support and understanding; otherwise, children with learning disabilities can develop low self-esteem or set low expectations for themselves.

Myth 2

Learning disabilities are only related to school work


Learning disabilities tend to be noticed most often when they affect school-learning. However, they exist in all areas of life – work, family, relationships, etc.

Myth 3

Learning disabilities are all the same.


Learning disabilities are complicated and vary from person to person. They come in many forms and affect everyone differently.

Read Also [How To Know If Your Child Has Dyslexia]

Myth 4

Common causes of learning disabilities include watching too much TV, eating a poor diet.


While the specific nature of learning disabilities within the brain is not completely known, it is known that they arise from neurological differences in brain structures and functions that affect a person’s ability to receive, store, process, retrieve, or communicate information. There is both a genetic component and an increased risk among children who are exposed in utero, or in early development, to toxic materials.

myths and realities of learning disabilitiesMyth 5

People can grow out of learning disabilities.


Because learning disabilities arise from neurological differences in brain structure, people will not grow out of them. However, people with learning disabilities can learn strategies for navigating life by capitalizing on their strengths and bypassing their weaknesses.

Myth 6

Learning disabilities are as a result of lack of parental involvement.


While researchers aren’t exactly clear what causes learning disabilities, they know what doesn’t cause it — and parental involvement in early childhood is not a factor.

Myth 7

People with learning disabilities can’t be successful.


This is not true! Many successful people have Learning disabilities including some famous people like Whoopi Goldberg, Ben Carson and Steven Spielberg. Success stories like these prove that challenges don’t stop a person from achieving the highest levels in society.

For further research on learning disabilities:

Read  Early warning signs of learning disabilities

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