The Power Of Grandparents, your Children and what you need to Know

What is the power of grandparents when it comes to raising children? Raising children is an interesting experience and while we are trying to figure it out. Parenting does not really have a clear pathway, it has many twists and turns and every parent needs a healthy support system to navigate the journey.

[Tweet “Parenting does not really have a clear pathway, it has many twists and turns and every parent needs a healthy support system to navigate the journey.”]

However, I have come to realize that there’s a resource many of us do not really tap into when it comes to raising all well-rounded children who can stand on their own in this world we live in. These are the Grandparents. (Sola Agudah)

I hope you are not groaning because it is really important. Involving grandparents in the lives of our children is healthy for you and your children. How? you might ask; let’s discuss some of the ways.


Grandparents LagosMumsGrandparents Special Pampering

As a parent, it is a full-time job and there are no breaks and no days off. You are always on the child’s case to make sure that they behave and turn out well. On the other hand, they get spoilt a little when they spend time with their grandparents. I believe there is a little amount of spoiling that is needed for the proper development of every child. Note the emphasis on the word “little’’.

Grandparents are licensed individuals allowed to carry out that spoiling.

For my family, when my kids go over to their grandparents, it is a very interesting experience. There seem to be no rules as everything is allowed. The children are hardly scolded and just given healthy doses of love; which does a lot for their self-esteem. They know that grandpa or grandma will make everything right.

Grandparents Give You Rest

Grandparents give you rest because the truth is that as much as you love your children, You need a well-deserved break now and then and grandparents give you an opportunity to do just that. Time away from home gives you time to carry out tasks you’ve been meaning to do, sleep well without waking up at night to check if anyone is alright. It gives you some bonding time with your spouse and just gives you a break. Now, I assure you, that you will miss them. The last time my children were away, the house was so quiet. I would call over and over again to be sure they were fine. I just had time on my hands, but I was able to rest, re-strategize and plan for the future. [Read: Silent Tragedy in Parenting every Parent Needs to be Aware of]

Sense of Purpose for Grandparents

Lastly, you give the grandparents an opportunity to nurture children again and this has so many benefits for them. For most grandparents, their children are all grown and they are empty nesters. They have minimal say on how you run your life or the decisions you make. But giving them an opportunity in their grandchildren’s lives help them reconnect with you, to remember fond memories and feel useful again. It is one great way to bond with you all over again.

Grandmothers are highly prized daycare providers because the quality is often high, with no cost and high flexibility.

Of course, the influence grandparents have in the lives of their grandchildren should be positive as it makes an impact on their emotional instability and behaviour. In situations where the grandparents play the role of parents; sometimes the level of laxity if too high and this can lead to unhealthy vices.

[Tweet “The influence grandparents have in the lives of their grandchildren should be positive as it makes an impact on their emotional instability and behaviour”]

Studies have shown that educational outcomes for the majority of children raised in households where grandparents are the primary caregivers could be problematic and issues such as teen pregnancy, cultism and poor school attendance. An environment of too much love and no responsibility can be counterproductive.

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