Woman Harmattan season

The Woman Has a Special Role

The woman has a special role in the lives of her children, husbands, brothers they all depend on her. God depends on women. The fall of man came through woman (Eve), the salvation of man also came through a woman (Mary). The woman is a newer model of Gods creation. God saw that a woman was needed to enhance and be a helpmate to his creation, man. Woman makes the man more agile and more advanced and able to achieve, the man is strong yes but women come with the technology and necessary sensors to improve the man.

WomanTogether the man and woman make a formidable team.

It’s better to be wise than strong; intelligence outranks muscle any day. Strategic planning is the key to warfare;to win, you need a lot of good counsel. (Proverbs 24:5-6)MSG

When a woman understands the importance of her role in the lives of the men around her, she will realize that not having sheer strength is not a disadvantage. Rather women are equipped to be successful in their lives through other means – spiritual strategy and wisdom. The enemy understands this and that is why he works hard to wedge a divide between the man and the woman.

How Women Lose Their Place

God is the head of Christ, Christ is the head of the man and the man is the head of his wife. There is an order to things. When you come out of this order there is a problem. God did not make mistakes when he set things this way. A woman who carries the mantra of – I can do just like a man, I can give him back whatever he dishes will see she has lost the battle. When she tries to go head to head against a man’s strength she will get bruised. Strong Women

Women have been given a special place of influence in the lives of the men in their lives and this can either be used for good or misused.

When we read about the story of King Xerxes in the book of Esther, we see that there was a conflict of interest and when the King sent for his Queen, she did not show up.

We can debate the reason she did not honor his call, perhaps she was very busy in her own party or she did not feel like being paraded in-front of her husbands friends. It really does not matter, what stands out is that she did not respond. She disobeyed her husbands call. She was not given a chance to explain herself. The result of her disobedience, was that she gave room for outside influence and the king consulted the seven princes. Perhaps he was intoxicated? acted out of embarrassment or was he really angry? We do not really know. The outside influence pounced on the opportunity to fill the gap!

This pattern is true today, the seven princes today are the internet, football, formula one, work, drinks after work, bb. If men replace the positive influence that should be their wife, they can open up themselves to wrong counsel. The natural order should be that the man wants to hear from you first and foremost. Do not let your position be filled with outside influences which are rarely a positive influence.

We know what happened in the story, the seven princes made a decision that was not in the King’s best interest and certainly not in the interest of Vashti. They thought of themselves only, they saw it as an opportunity to call their own wives to order.

“…Is that what we want, a country of angry women who don’t know their place”? (Esther 1:18).

This was the motivation of the so-called advisors, their own fear of having their wives become uncontrollable. They therefore asked the King to banish his wife to punish her for her disobedience. A few days after taking this action, the king appeared to be reconsidering what he did.However he was not given a chance to change his mind as his servant quickly got the ball rolling and set about searching for a new wife for him.

If wives allow a gap in who has their husbands ear, the person or the thing filling the gap will hardly ever have your best interest at the top of their mind. Vashti was out because of her disobedience and was a victim of the seven princes who had their own agenda.

How Esther Was Chosen

“As crazy as you think men are they do not want crazy women as their wife” – Anonymous

EstherEsther had grown up as a very obedient girl to her uncle, listening to him and being a good girl. Several girls, including Esther were invited to apply for the position of a new Queen.

In her obedient nature, she was wise enough to get advise from the King’s advisor on how to win the King’s affection. She only did the things that the advisor recommended. She listened to sound advise (counsel) from someone who knew the king well, she probably learnt what the king liked, dressed the way the king liked. She did not act based on her limited knowledge of the King, rather she trusted those closest to him (ref Esther 2:15). Esther was not referred to as the most beautiful girl, she was described as being average. Her personality and gentle demeanor endeared the King’s advisor and ultimately the king towards her. She was chosen as the new queen and the King lavished attention and love on her.

There is a lesson here, there is more to who you are than the way you look. You are meant to have an aura and gentleness about you that will add to your attractiveness.

Women need to act with wisdom and take good counsel as you interact with the men in your life, either when you are trying to attract the right spouse or after you have gotten married.  Listen to what the man likes and says not what you think he will or should like. Women have a strong place of influence in the lives of their husbands, do not let this position be filled with other influences.

photo source: eurweb

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