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Why You are NOT Going to Find Work-Life Balance

The biggest issue people have when trying to schedule their upcoming week is they are attempting to bring this “Work-Life Balance” theory into the realm of reality. We want to discuss why you are not going to find work-life balance.


work life balance lagosmums

Work-Life Balance is a Myth

The thing is, this “Work-Life Balance” notion is a completely hypothetical theory – and not a fact-based practice. Believe it or not, motivational speakers can make a handsome living simply by inserting the words “work”, “life”, and “balance” into any seminar title. I receive phone calls regularly from people who want me to help them achieve this critical balance between their work and their lives.

It seems that balance is something that most people are looking for, but that few have found. Have you ever wondered why?

I’m going to let you in on a very guarded industry secret, and dispel one of the biggest myths out there. It’s all a sham! I’m not kidding. There is no such thing as achieving “Work-Life Balance”. It really doesn’t exist. If you attempt to separate your “work”, as being Monday through Friday, and your “life”, being only a two day weekend, you will, unfortunately, never find balance. Regardless of what some may have you believe, five days will never equal two. Read Three Ways to bring balance into your life.

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Work-Life Integration

You must view your time at work as a functioning part of your life. After all, by the time you meet your maker; you will have worked at least seventy per cent of your lifetime. If your “work” and your “life” are separate entities, then you have a big problem. This is because seventy per cent of it just went out of the window.

Your quest in life shouldn’t be about finding a balance between the time you spend working and spend living. The two things are one and the same. For most of us, we can’t live without working, so to try and separate the two is impossible. To give your life balance as a whole, you don’t segment it – you make it seamless. Instead, you should be focused on finding happiness regardless of where you may be, and whom you may be with…Finish reading at

Scott Stratten is the President of Un-Marketing.


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