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World Sleep Day: 11 Remarkable Health Benefits Of Sleep

World Sleep Day is an annual event intended to be a celebration of sleep and a reminder of just how important sleep is. It is also to raise awareness of sleep disorders and the burden that they place on society. It is organized by the World Sleep Day Committee of the World Association of Sleep Medicine (WASM).

Lagos is known as a busy city and Lagosians are equally as busy; they seem to always be in a hurry with the need to beat traffic, meet up with the next deadline etc. Night time which is meant to be sleep time seems to be the only free time and instead of sleeping, there’s a need to use those “extra hours” to do something other than sleep.

Being sleep deprived has become a norm. Lack of sleep could be taking a serious toll on your mental and physical health. Here’s why you should not miss out on proper sleep.

World sleep day

1. Skipping out on sleep can make it difficult to learn and retain information.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) reports that people who get a good night’s sleep after learning a new task are better able to recall what they’ve learnt. In addition, it is also important to get adequate rest the night before a mentally-challenging task.

Be sure to implement a regular bedtime and wake time routine for the students in your home.

2. Sleep Keeps Your Heart Healthy

The heart and vascular system work around the clock to keep your cardiovascular health in tip-top shape. The NIH notes that natural dips in breathing and blood pressure during our sleeping hours keeps the cardiovascular system going strong. If sleep is cut short, this needed variance in our internal systems doesn’t take place. Over time, lack of sleep can cause serious health implications.

Be sure to get plenty of rest to avoid developing sleep disorders.

3. Lack of sleep makes you less functional

Getting even slightly less sleep than you need eventually makes you get tired easily. You notice that you’re always feeling stressed out.  In addition to stress, sleep-deprived people tend to feel increasingly angry, sad, and mentally exhausted.

Sleep apnea causes daytime sleepiness and fatigue, and may lead to conditions such as hypertension, ischemic heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Lack of sleep or poor quality sleep will have a significant negative impact on our health in the long and short term.

Next day effects of poor quality sleep include a negative impact on our attention span, memory recall and learning. Longer term effects are being studied, but poor quality sleep or sleep deprivation has been associated with significant health problems, such as obesity, diabetes, weakened immune systems and even some cancers

If you’re struggling to sleep, contact your physician.

4. Sleep Helps Mental Health

Sleep is essential for good mental health. Consequently, sleep deprivation has a connection with depression and anxiety disorders. If you struggle with insomnia, try improving your sleep hygiene by powering down electronics, taking part in relaxing pre-sleep activities, and keeping your bedroom cool and dark. If you still can’t sleep, contact your healthcare provider.

5. Sleep Boosts the Immune System

Getting adequate rest can keep your immune system healthy. According to WebMD, restorative sleep is key, so figuring out just how much sleep you need individually is important.
(How much sleep do you need?) Adjust bedtimes accordingly to keep your children as healthy as possible.

6. Sleep Keeps Your Hormones in Check

Lack of sleep can throw the body’s hormones out of balance. Deep sleep is necessary for the release of growth and sex hormones. The release of these hormones helps with increased muscle mass, the ability to repair tissue and cells, puberty, fertility and the ability to fight infection

7. Sleep Suppresses Appetite and Helps Control Weight

If you struggle with constant cravings or have difficulty maintaining your weight, it could be due to sleep-deprivation. “Studies find that the less people sleep, the more likely they are to be overweight or obese and prefer eating foods that are higher in calories and carbohydrates,” the NIH reports.

8. Sleep Regulates Blood Sugar, Helps Blood Pressure and Reduces Inflammation

During sleep, blood sugar levels rise and fall naturally. Lack of sleep, or lack of deep sleep, impedes these natural highs and lows.

9. Sleep is a Natural Pain Killer

Most people don’t realize that sleep can affect sensitivity to pain. According to, getting plenty of rest can make aches and pains hurt less. This site explains that sleep deprivation has been linked to a lower pain threshold. This is good news for those suffering with migraine, chronic pain or monthly menstrual cramps.

10. Sleep Cleanses the Brain

Toxins build up in the brain just like the rest of the body. reports that the brain shrinks during sleep to allow for fluid to enter and clean the mind. In fact, scientists have found that a brain that is given insufficient time to clean itself can lead to brain diseases, including Alzheimer’s.

11. Sleep Makes You Look Younger and Feel More Attractive

A study released on today by University Hospitals Case Medical Center and Estée Lauder Companies Inc. shows that people who don’t get enough sleep at night are more likely to have poorer skin health and skin that ages more quickly. This might be in part why many women who fail to get adequate rest report feeling unattractive because poor sleepers are more dissatisfied with their appearance than good sleepers. Sleep—or lack of it—affects men, women, and children of all ages.


Good quality and restorative sleep is essential for day-to-day functioning. Studies suggest that sleep quality rather than quantity has a greater impact on quality of life and daytime functioning.

It’s important for you to establish healthy bedtime habits to ensure that you get a good night’s rest, which will then ensure you get a happier, healthier life. It’s beneficial for both physical as well as mental health. In addition, developing good bedtime habits ensures that your body gets the rest it needs, helps you better manage stress, and provides you with more energy during the day. Here are a few suggestions you can take note of to ensure you get the best sleep of your life.

Healthy sleep in children will improve the child’s overall wellness and development. WORLD SLEEP SOCIETY has created the 10 commandments of Healthy Sleep for Children.

For even more health benefits of sleep visit

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