Omnutri #SelfCare, Tip 2 - Physical Excersise

Omnutri #SelfCare, Tip 2 – Physical Exercise

Physical exercise whether it’s running, swimming, sports classes, going to the gym or cycling has many benefits. Not only does it improve one’s mood, fitness, health and reduce stress it also helps to reduce the risk of illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease as well as reduce the chances of significant weight gain and high blood pressure. Regular exercise will keep one’s body healthy and fit, improve your sleep, build bones and muscle and a whole lot more.

Many adults don’t have the time to exercise due to their busy lifestyle. One way to combat this, is to review your daily/weekly schedule to see where you can fit in some exercise even if it’s only 20 mins. Start somewhere! Once a week is better than nothing.

Omnutri #SelfCare, Tip 2 - Physical Excersise
 For parents it’s important to establish a pattern early on with kids as it makes it easier for them to maintain a healthy lifestyle as adults and also more importantly keeps them healthy as children. Parents can encourage their kids to take part in school exercise activities or outside of school activities such as swim clubs and sports clubs.  Families can also exercise together by adopting activities at home that everybody can take part it such as family walks.

Do you exercise regularly? What about your family? What new practices do you think you can introduce to your lifestyle or your family’s lifestyle to improve this aspect of self-care? We would love to hear them, share with us in the comment boxes below

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