
A to Z Parenting Tips: Teach Your Children Temperance

Last week we took a look at teaching our children on Sex education. This week we will be taking a look teaching our children temperance.

Temperance is one of the virtues spoken by in the Bible. Temperance is a practice of always controlling your actions, thoughts or feelings. Research has shown that strengths in forgiveness and mercy, humility and modesty, prudence, and self-regulation help us temper our thoughts and actions.


Your child should be taught to forgive easily show mercy on others and show strength of character

It takes a strong person to forgive a wrong done to them, it takes an even stronger person to forget all that has been done and not fall into the trap of revenge. We have to teach our children to accept the shortcomings of others and make them realize that no human being is perfect. We must remember that children will only emulate what they see. So we must ensure at every time make ourselves great examples to our children. We must help develop the confidence level of our children, that way they would naturally learn to overlook the shortcomings of others.

We should Teach our children be humble in every situation and let their accomplishments speak for themselves. They should always seek the worth of others above theirs

Humility by today’s society is seen as a sign of weakness, sluggishness, stupidity and false submission. Our children should be taught the real essence of being temperate using the fruits of humility and modesty. They should learn the attitude of being able to serve those whom they come in contact with in whatever capacity they can. Effective leadership can be achieved by a person who shows temperance. Our children must be taught that temperance, the ability to show patience, longsuffering and maintain a pleasurable attitude, shows character and strength. Refer to teach Empathy, Teach love, Teach them patience


Our children should be taught to cultivate a Be Prepared attitude against possible hazards or risks they may encounter. They should also plan for the future.

The word prudence comes from the word providence, meaning to plan ahead or having foresight. In today’s world prudence is seen as an old-fashioned word while extravagant and lavish lifestyles seem to be celebrated. Children should be taught the strength of showing prudence in every area of their lives. They must also learn to exhibit extreme care about the choices they make in life avoid taking unnecessary risks. Refer to teach to Navigate through life and circumstances


Children should be taught how to exhibit control over their emotions and actions

Self-control is a very vital key that our children must incorporate in order for them to interact with others in their everyday lives. They must consciously learn to control their actions and moods and turn it into inner strength for themselves. Self-discipline enables a child to self-regulate and gives them the ability to achieve their life goals and objectives. Refer to teach them Discipline

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