
Growing a Generation Who Doesn’t know How to Fail

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill Andy Braner, wrote an article on HuffingtonPost and the key things he raised are how parents today are raising children who are becoming adults who do not know how to fail. This issue is not only

Growing a Generation Who Doesn’t know How to Fail Read More ยป

Diary of LagosMums | Journey to Greener Living

A few of my friends think I have gone a bit loopy because I am trying to live a bit โ€œgreenerโ€. You see I am not eccentric I am just a bit worried about the increase in diseases and conditions that were not sooย prevalentย in earlier generations. The toughest one we seem to deal with is

Diary of LagosMums | Journey to Greener Living Read More ยป

Donโ€™t let Christmas Catch you by Surprise

Contributed by Mrs Nimi Akinkugbe   It’s that time of year again! Where did 2012 go? For many, the approach to Christmas has become a time of too much expectation, and far too much pressure. As the seasonal blitz with its attendant flashing lights, piped carols, colourful ads, draws near, you find yourself caught up

Donโ€™t let Christmas Catch you by Surprise

Junk Food

Effect of Ten Years of Packaged Juice on Your Child

Have you ever thought about it? The effect of ten years of packaged juice on your child, of consuming packaged juice and other processed foods everyday. Ten years of consuming Ribena, Caprisun, Chivita every single day at least once a day for a cumulative period can cause havoc on childrenโ€™s body. It can easily happen,

Effect of Ten Years of Packaged Juice on Your Child Read More ยป

Top 6 Ways to Keep Children Busy When You Are Working

  Have you decided that working from home is a better proposition than travelling to work everyday? If yes, then this is a good decision. You can spend time with your children and earn from home. But, working from home is not really very easy as you will have a difficult time keeping your work

Top 6 Ways to Keep Children Busy When You Are Working Read More ยป

Spend Time with your Children, Karo Ovwonuri Teenage drug addict tells parents

  He became a drug addict at nine and at 16, a cult leader. Now 19, Karo Ovwonuri, is already a father. Narrating his experience as a street kid and drug addict to MOTUNRAYO ABODERIN, Ovwonuri advised parents not to choose their jobs over their children Nobody, including his parents and teachers could ever in

Spend Time with your Children, Karo Ovwonuri Teenage drug addict tells parents Read More ยป

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