eagle mum

How To Embrace Change and Pursue Your Destiny

The story of Ruth is one that shows what can happen at the cusp of change when a decision to unlock your destiny involves taking a bold step in line with God’s will. Ruth has the choice after she lost her husband to leave her mother in law, rather she chose to stay with Naomi, her mother in law and follow her and follow her God. In the end Ruth ends up as the grandmother of King David. (Ruth 1:6-16, Matthew 1:1-5) When destiny is calling you need to go beyond your place of disadvantage and familiarity to grab your destiny. Ruth didn’t want to go back to her past, she wanted to do something new and therefore decided to embrace her future.

Pursuing Destiny

God cannot impose success on you. You need to be able willing to move on, to take hold, the devil cannot impose failure on you either. Challenges and a need to change can be the trigger that is needed, Goliath was the door to David’s destiny.

There is no curse that should stop you form achieving your purpose. If you don’t know God’s purpose for your life no one can tell you. Arise from pain to embrace your destiny and learn to encourage yourself. Know that you are God’s transformer and generator to bring light to life and the world around you.

Is there something God wants you to do this season? Embrace your destiny and take the steps required to bring your destiny into reality. Familiarity reduces having to think and making the change needed and to go for something new.

Ordinary people want to stay safe and take only calculated steps. As a Christian you are not meant to be ordinary. You are not meant to be boring or lack creativity and ideas. We are God’s workmanship, we are created for good works in Christ Jesus. Christianity is an art of living, it’s a lifestyle of an overcomer.

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God has many different roles in your life not always a teacher, God is not always a judge. Sometimes he wants to just hug you and enjoy you in an intimate relationship. Just as an eagle mum’s tips baby out of the nest and hovers to help them learn how to fly, Go encourages us to grow. God looks for people with the right attitude, attitude matters a lot to God. “But my servant Caleb has a different attitude than the others have” (Numbers 14:24).

eagle mum

It is people who are uncomfortable who create change, who start trends, Holy dissatisfaction comes from God. God doesn’t work in a straight line. Every step you take moves you towards your purpose. God needs our tenacity to pursue our purpose. You are bigger on the inside than all of the outside circumstances might make you feel.

You are a survivor not because there are not problems but because you are an overcomer. God looks for people who can change, who can forgive because they have been forgiven.

When change has come, figure out what your role in the change is and embrace it to pursue your destiny. Be bold this week! Have an awesome and amazing April.

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