mum of the month

LagosMums Mum of the Month – Dr Olufunmilayo Adeniyi

Our Lagosmums mum of the month is Dr Olufunmilayo Adeniyi. Mum of three lovely children, a daughter, wife, Entrepreneur and Dentist. Clinical director and founder Luxe Dental Clinic Limited, founder Smile Doctor Foundation, Author, Youtuber and Podcast Host.

Lagosmums of the month Dr. Olufunmilayo Adeniyi

Please tell us about yourself? 

I am Olufunmilayo Adeniyi, a daughter, wife, mum of 3, Entrepreneur and Dentist. Clinical director and founder Luxe Dental Clinic Limited, founder Smile Doctor Foundation. I host a podcast and a YouTube show. I am the author of 2 books

Can you share more on all the hats you wear?

I’m a dentist, and founder of Luxe Dental Clinic Limited at 46 Isaac John Ikeja GRA Lagos. Founded an oral health organisation-Smile Doctor Foundation reaches less privileged members of society with free oral health care services. I run a retail fashion line, that focuses on sustainable fashion made with indigenous African print.

I’m presently the financial secretary of the Academy for  Women Entrepreneur Alumnae association, a US government initiative for women around the world.

I’ve authored 2 books, host a YouTube show, Made for More and love to dance.

Lagosmums mum of the month Dr. Olufunmilayo AdeniyiShare one unexpected thing about you?

I am from Edo state ???? even though I’ve visited just once. Both my parents are Edo. I also never imagined I would be an entrepreneur.

Tell us about your beautiful family.

I’m married to my best friend Dr Damilola Adeniyi a Public health professional and Family Life practitioner.  Mum to 3 amazing kids, Adeolu our musical genius, fearless animal lover and inventor. Olulaanu our ballerina, musician and all-round genius with the gift of the garb and Olaoluwa my 6-month-old milk guzzler and sweet baby.

I am an only child to Professor Glory Ajayi who was widowed when I was 2years, she raised me with love and a sense of wholeness and choose not to remarry.

How did you meet your husband and how long have you been married?

I met him as a student at the College of Medicine. My husband was my senior, always so calm and loyal to his circle of friends. He was so brilliant, very kind and wise. He’s also really handsome ????????.

We’ve been married for 8 years Plus, it’s one of the best decisions I made.

Dr Olufunmilayo family pictureDo you and your spouse have the same parenting style?

Oh Yes we do, we have similar ideologies. We have a faith-based approach and use biblical principles. My husband is also a trained Family life practitioner and so we use proven methods of parenting. We’re currently enrolled in a 12-month programme on parenting, we believe in continuous education. We believe family is the most sacred institution and give our all to raising our children. Investing heavily in their natural talents and focusing on their strengths is very important to us.

We have a family vision and mission, and we have core values that guide our behaviour. We have weekly studies with the kids of inventors, influencers and leaders that exemplify our core values.

Can you tell us one of the funniest things your children have done?

While baking in 2020 during the pandemic, my daughter broke out into a dance and a spontaneous song, “I want a baby brother, I want a baby brother I want a baby brother” . 2 years after, she got her baby brother.

When I had my last baby, my first son took it upon himself to tell every human he met his baby brother had arrived. Every security officer and staff in his school asks about his brother daily.

What do you love the most about your work and all the many expressions of your purpose and passion? 

I love my many expressions! Clothing women and in turn empowering the women who produce the fabric.

Writing books and giving light with the information I communicate. Also, partnering with God to heal bodies as we doctors like to say We care but God heals.

Employing labour, training staff to become excellent, making and managing money.

Helping female entrepreneurs become more profitable.

Share with us what you love most about your work at Smile Doctor Foundation and Luxe Dental Clinic Limited ? 

I love the fact that I can design smiles, boost confidence and re-engineer people’s perception of my clients through dentistry.

The ability to help a shy child through braces and aligners is beautiful. Revealing true beauty and their best smiles. The ability to relieve pain and bring healing is always rewarding.

I love the fact that I can employ people and improve their financial and economic standards through entrepreneurship.

The gift of precious smiles when we offer free dental services at outreaches is rewarding.


Can you share how the pandemic has affected you either professionally or personally? What is your one takeaway?  

The pandemic helped me to focus on the most important things in life. Family, giving and really living not just going through the motions.

Professionally I’m more empathic, I play more with my staff I don’t take things too seriously.

I’m a more present parent, more intentional.

Life is short, live fully use every gift and talent, love deeply laugh often.


mum of the monthHow important is a support system for a mum? Who is in your tribe and what kind of support do you have?

I cannot parent effectively without a support system. It takes a village to parent efficiently. I am absolutely dependent on my support system.  My husband, my nanny, housekeeper, my mum and mother in law make up my support system.  Friends I can drop off the kids with are priceless. I have learnt to ask for help more and leverage these relationships.

Life is short, live fully use every gift and talent, love deeply laugh often. Share on X

What are some ways that children and parenting are different from when you were growing up and now? 

Children are more vocal, they’re so tech-savvy these days. My children ask so many questions, things I only thought of as a child they have the nerve to ask boldly and we have to answer. The whole world of information is just a tap away.

Parenting is easier with much more information available.

How are you raising your children to be ready for an ever-changing world?

I’m equipping them with the eternal truth of God’s word which is the surest defence I have. Teaching them to love, and be kind and generous humans. Another thing I do is encourage them to be producers, I allow them to experiment, and I’m teaching them not to be afraid to try and fail.

It is important for me to expose them to a lot of technology, coding, Stem and robotics and I do just that.

We allow them to ask questions, we search for answers together. Exposure is important, so I want them to experience more cultures, people and places.

I teach them to love, and be kind and generous humans. I encourage them to be producers I allow them to experiment, I'm teaching them not to be afraid to try and fail. Share on X

How do you balance work and parenting? Is it possible to achieve this? 

I believe work life balance is possible with wisdom.  Knowing which should have priority now and which should be on the back burner.

There are seasons I leave home early and I’m back pretty late, others I take it slow with work and I’m totally available at home and with the kids. I understand times and seasons.

What has motherhood taught you about yourself?

Motherhood has shown me many facets I have, it has taught me to evolve, not sweat the small stuff and show up as my best self. I’m a happier and more fun person.

I learn so much from my children, they’ve taught me to be more confident and truly enjoy life and people.

When I had my daughter, she called forth something in me, I became bolder, began to set boundaries, and had the courage to say No and stand up against injustice.

Adeniyi's family picUse one word to describe one thing that should not be missing from every home?


Share one self-care tip. How do you relax and spend time on yourself?

I love music, and written books. I love good food and fine dining. Spa dates and a day at the beach help me relax a lot.

I listen to my body and avoid burnout at all costs. I take breaks often to give back to myself.

Can you tell us how you stay stylish and your beauty routine?

I stay true to my essence in style, I love my comfort, feminine and timeless pieces.  My style is not determined by trends and fads.

In recent times,  have become very serious with my skincare routine; my cleanser, toner, moisturizers, serum and sunscreen. I drink a lot of water and take my fruits and supplements also. I get in some exercise regularly.

What do you love about LagosMums? 

Lagosmums is a wholesome community. I love the community and the very important relevant information given to us to parent effectively.

Lagosmums is a wholesome community. I love the community and the very important relevant information given to us to parent effectively. Share on X

#Mumgoals Trivia

 ○     N1 Million or more sleep? 

N1 Million oh. 

○   Would you prefer to go on a shopping spree or an all-expense-paid trip to your dream destination?  

All expense paid trips, please!!! Experiences are my most valued treat.

○     Homeschooling or traditional school

I love the concept of Homeschooling even though I only tested it during the pandemic.

○  A spa day or Eat out? 

Both, please!! Allow me to enjoy myself ????

It was so lovely learning more from our mum of the month, Dr Olufunmilayo Adeniyi Thank you for sharing with us. You can connect with Dr Olufunmilayo Adeniyi here.

READ ALSO: LagosMums Mum of the Month – Osezusi Bolodeoku

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