tribe mums LagosMums

The Importance of Your Tribe as a Mum

Diary Adventures of LagosMums: DALM | The Importance of your tribe as a Mum

Who is your tribe as a mum? and who is in your tribe? The modern tribe is that group of people in your circle. The people who are part of your life and will help you through the various things you want to navigate through. Nothing is too small and nothing is too important. The right tribe feeds off each other’s positive energy.

tribe mums LagosMumsA tribe today is likely to include people who you know in real life and those whom you only know virtually through your various online communities. My tribe, my support group has grown exponentially since I became active on social media and through the amazing LagosMums community!

Being a mother and the journey of motherhood to a large extent is the same as before, but also very different today. The average mum today knows the importance of a tribe and how a support system is ever so critical. Those people who you can do life with, go through the various stages of life with and who get you.

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Millennial parents have some unique characteristics. Some of these include that you will go online to get advice on any and everything that is important to you. Your online tribe will come to your rescue, they will share advise, they will help you through what you are going through. Older parents cannot understand how we bond with seemingly total strangers. Yes, we need to be careful and verify the information we get online (but this is true even in real life). But the power of a tribe is strong!

I am a living proof of the power of a tribe through the LagosMums community. Many of my close friends today have come from the platform and are people I first met online via the community. Common interests and similar goals then keep the friendship growing. You can get to know what someone is really about from their online presence.

Some of these friendships have moved from online to phone calls, to physical meet-ups. Meeting with your tribe is amazing, especially when you have connected online for awhile. It feels like meeting some long lost friends. Recently we had a mums day out and it was such a great time; most of us were meeting for the first time. Mum tribes are the best because we bond over some of the most important roles in our lives, being someone’s mother. This by itself creates one of the strongest connections possible.

Why Your Tribe is Important

You can be honest with the right tribe. Your tribe as a mum means you will share what you are really going through. Not some sugar-coated version of life, because when you meet the right tribe in the right environment you will share real-life stories with each other.

Your tribe as a mum will encourage each other. The right tribe and support group will encourage each other. It could be on something as simple as where to get the best deals, to more serious things like how to manage through a difficult marriage or raise children through a rough time.

You will dream together. As a tribe, you can dream together. Every time I talk to other mums and we discuss what we would like to do for fun or relaxation; we always dream big and a majority of the time, traveling always comes up. It can be nice to hang out with people who have the same interest. As busy mums, traveling and taking time for yourself is one of those things at the bottom of the list. But suddenly with the right tribe, you can encourage each other to make fun and relaxation a priority.

Boss Mode activated. This is probably one of my favorite reasons for having a tribe. I truly believe that you attract into your life what you are. So my tribe includes talking about how we want to slay in all areas. These include how to succeed with all the hats that we wear as women; as a mum, wife, business owner or career mum and so much more in between.

A tribe is important because it gives you a sense of belonging, it gives you someone to talk to and people who are on a similar journey with you. In addition to having a mentor, it is nice to have people who are trying to achieve the same things that you are and are open to sharing a different perspective.

So who is in your tribe?

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