Top 5 Unusual Careers Your Children will be Happy to Explore

We are in the 21st century where we do almost everything digitally. Technology is taking over the world very quickly and careers and jobs are therefore also taking an adaptive turn.

The advancement in technology has created a need for more jobs and careers which did not exist some years ago. Schools nowadays offer courses that equip new age children with the necessary skills to explore these new and interesting arrays of unusual careers.


Let them know that in the world we are in now, they can pick up carers that are in line with their hobbies and interests. Enlighten them on the different career options that are available; get to know which of these careers interest your children to explore.

Below, are some of the unusual careers your children can pick interest in.

Special Effects Animation


Special effects animators create realistic-looking imagery used in movies, cartoons, games, etc.

They do so using 2D and 3D animation software in combination with digital animation techniques. If you are looking to pursue a career in special effects animation, you need a degree in either of; animation and visual effects, digital effects, animation, multimedia art, graphic design or computer animation and graphics.

Special effects animators make up to $78,230 in a year! You get to create fun videos and animations that can be used in marketing on social media platforms.

E-Waste Management Coordination


E-waste is electrical waste; electrical appliances that have been used and are now disposed of.

These waste can cause harm if they are not disposed of properly. E-waste management coordinators mostly spend time working in an office space making calls and writing reports. They spend their time trying to find effective, safe and healthy ways to dispose of electronic waste.

Respiratory Therapy

career, doctor

Another career you can explore is respiratory therapy. In this field, you get to help patients; especially elderly people, who have trouble breathing.

Respiratory therapists carry out chest exams and come up with treatment plans to solve any problems associated with the lungs of young people as well as that of the elderly. To become a respiratory therapist, you need a degree in Respiratory Care. You get to meet and interact with new people every day.



Nanotechnology or nano-tech for short is a career field that deals with science and technology on a microscopic level.

Some nano-technologists work in laboratories carrying out research and writing reports whereas some others teach, lecture and train students. To pursue a career in nanotechnology, you need a degree in a science-based course.

You can pick a course such as; biology/molecular biology, biochemistry or chemical biology, chemistry, etc. If working in a lab is your dream job, then be sure to explore this fun career.

SEO Specialization


SEO specialists are often also called SEO experts. They work on websites to optimize and improve the website’s rankings on search engines such as Google.

SEO specialist work to drive more traffic to websites by increasing the visibility of those websites on the internet. As an SEO specialist, you can be a freelancer, working online from home. To pursue a career in SEO specialization you need a degree in either of; business and marketing technology.

A bachelor’s degree in communications or information technology is also acceptable. You need to be creative and possess an analytic mind and also be open to learning new things.


As the world grows more technical, new unusual careers and jobs are coming up. It is the duty of parents and teachers to start training and preparing children to take on these careers.

Have a talk time with the children, indulge them in conversations about their future ambitions and careers. This is a good way to get to know more about your child’s interests and goals.

And another one that we just had to add is the rise of Digital Influencers and Digital modelling.

Read also The Future of Jobs and Top Secrets Parents Need to Know and Top 10 Degrees That Did Not Exist 10 Years Ago

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