15 High Risk Foods to Avoid Feeding Young Kids

The World Health Organization recommends that babies be exclusively breastfed for the first year of life, which means that they shouldn’t eat or drink anything except breast milk for a full year. While these guidelines are recommended to parents around the globe, they’re not always adhered to. Pediatricians may recommend an amended diet in some […]

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9 Gross Things Parents Do But Don’t Always Know It

Even the most germ-phobic moms are guilty of committing some of the grossest parenting sins. Sometimes, they don’t even know they’re committing them. Here are the nine grossest things parents commonly do, and the reasons they should reconsider doing them. Using bulb syringe aspirators. Ever cut one of these babies open? Chances are if you

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18 Blogs You Can Use to Determine if Your Child is Gifted

Many parents think that their child is gifted, maybe because he walked before the other babies in the playgroup or was an early talker.  However, does this mean that your child is gifted or just really smart?  What is the difference between a child who is gifted and one who is highly proficient?  As a

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The Importance of Breastfeeding

Breast-feeding remains undisputedly the best option for feeding your baby. Introducing breastfeeding to your baby within the first hour of birth is highly beneficial and the key to successful breastfeeding. WHAT IS COLOSTRUM? Colostrum can be referred to as the first immunisation In the first hours and days after childbirth a mother produces the first milk, called colostrum

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