lies Nigerian parents tell

15 Lies Nigerian Parents Tell Their Children

All parents are guilty at some time or the other of telling some harmless white lies to their children, but some lies seem to be specific to Nigerian parents. We thought this post from Zikoko on 15 lies Nigerian parents tell their children seemed to be spot on. Read below and let us know if there are any others that you think should make the list?

Did your parents use these lies on you?
  1. “Let me hold the money for you.” And many times the money is never seen again Nigerian money / lies Nigerian Parents tell
  2. “Just tell me the truth, I won’t beat you.” – Many children fall for this one and then they still get the beating.  [ Do you know; how you discipline your children can affect your marriage]
  3. “I’ll buy it for you if you come first in class.” – Nigerian parents love the first in class position and all sorts of promises go with this one.
  4. “I’ll buy it for you on your birthday.” – Delay tactics!
  5. “Don’t worry, we’ll soon leave.” – This might be said while at an event and one hour later the gist is still going on strong. proof / lies Nigerian Parents tell
  6. “I’ll think about it.” – Another delay tactic, when the parent does not feel like saying No immediately.
  7. “You’ll grow into it.” – This is for that oversized outfit or the hand me down that is too big 
  8. “Go and wear your shoes, I’ll wait.” – Yes children fall for this all the time, wanting to follow Mum or dad out…by the time the shoes are on Mum has zapped.
  9. “I don’t have a favourite child.” – enough said! [Read: How parents can avoid unhealthy Sibling rivalry]
    Eye Roll Child / lies Nigerian Parents tell
  10. “I didn’t do all this boyfriend-girlfriend till I married.” – this is their version of the birds and bees conversation!
  11. “My parents never got angry with me.” – That’s not what grandma says though??
  12. “I don’t have money.” – Really? How come you choose when you do not have money?
  13. “I always came first in class.” – Yes parents use this all the time and hope that by diffusion this will help their kids come first too!
  14. “Eat the beans so you’ll grow tall.” – Thanks to google, children today can actually check these claims and see that there is no proof of this.Na so / lies Nigerian Parents tell
  15. “Lend me, I’ll give you back.” – You know you won’t see it again many times and you cannot ask. 

Read: [Are you Raising a Nigerian Child]

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