upgrade your skills in the new year

Upgrade your Skills in the New Year

As we wrap up the year, it is a great time to take stock and also to start to prepare for 2021! And one of the best ways to achieve your goals is to upgrade your skills in the new year! Becoming a lifelong learner by upskilling is one of the best gifts you can give yourself, it is literally the gift that keeps giving.

See below some of our top curated courses to Upgrade your Skills in the New Year 

Goal Scoring Template 

The Goal scoring template course is for those who want to exceed their targets and  Discover their authentic life. If you want to figure out a sure pathway that can deliver the life you truly desire and want to master the techniques you need to attain clarity. Then you would be a great candidate for the Goal Scoring Template course.

If you want to discover the rules of engagement that can help you exceed every goal and master the templates top performers use to deliver on their numbers, then this is the premium coaching program you need.

This course will show you the same template that moved several others to become the top 5 earners in their sector. Brought to you by Praise Fowowe Internationational.

Sign up to attend this course here


Sign up for the Goal Scoring Template Course holding from the 1st to the 3rd of January 2020. The fee is N80,000 or $180. The course includes 30 days of online class engagement and 3 months post-class and mentoring program.

Parenting Vision Board


ugrade your skills

Have you ever wondered the type of adults you are raising and what characteristics and values do you want them to have? We are inviting you to do that today, no matter how young your child is. Intentional parenting takes skills and planning. Sign up here

Upgrade your parenting skills and learn how to create a plan that is unique to your child. We know that by learning the basics of creating a parenting vision board, you will be a much more effective parent and raise an adult you would be proud of.

There is no need to struggle or feel overwhelmed when it comes to parenting. After completing our program and following our proven blueprint; You will no longer be worried about modern-day parenting bur rather you will emerge as an intentional parent.

Sign up now! The parenting vision board course is self-paced. And for a limited time we have a discount on the fee for this course.

Group Family Systems Engineering


ugrade your skills

Parents and anyone interested in becoming a Family life professional is invited to Sign up for the Group Family Systems Engineering certification course. After this course, you will become proficient in diagnosing and deploying effective family life intervention therapy and strategies as a certified family systems engineering professional.

This model has been adjudged globally as one of the most effective templates for family life professionals. It combines coaching, therapy, counselling and strategy to assist you to become a highly effective family life professional. Upgrade your skills with these tools and speed up your effectiveness.

Sign up for the Group Family Systems Engineering certification course, today. The registration ends on January 4th 2021! The course is holding online via zoom for 6 weeks from 7 – 9 pm WAT. Sign up now 

Raising Children to Become Successful Digital Citizens


ugrade your skills

Subscribe to Yetty Williams Prime Nuggets to understand the importance of parenting styles, learn more on the child’s love language and impact of social media on children.
Yetty Williams is the founder of Nigeria’s premier and first parenting blog ‘‘LagosMums.com’’ She’s a social entrepreneur and neuro-linguistic practitioner.
As a life coach, she has helped women live their most abundant lives through her brand and has grown from passion to purpose.
Parenting in the digital age is quite challenging! There is a distraction at every turn and digital media and the internet has changed the family dynamic in ways we cannot describe.
She loves learning and helping other women excel in all areas. Her services include Abundant living coaching for mums and lots more. Sign up and get regular updates and tips on raising children to become successful digital citizens. 

Live your Life Abundantly 

Yetty Williams is a sought-after speaker who has helped several individuals, families and organizations, on various matters such as parenting in the 21st century, work-life balance, digital citizenship and more.
Abundant Living with Yetty WilliamsHer daily nuggets will teach you:
• How to create real balance and thrive in every area of your life.
• How to infuse your life with abundance as a mum.
Subscribe here for daily nuggets to like your most abundant life as a mum
Upgrade your skills in the areas that matter when it comes to goal setting and parenting!


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