Product Reviews

The LagosMums Product reviews offer recommendations and mentions of various products and services. As parents, we are constantly shopping and buying products. This could be for ourselves, children and families. Whether you are baby shopping or looking for the best educational toys for your children; we want to help you make some of the shopping decisions easier with our product reviews.  As an expectant and pregnant mum shopping for your newborn can be confusing. You might need some advice from other parents who have done this before. Lastly, with the onslaught of the digital age, we all need to learn how to take advantage of the products and services available.

cooking mum and child

5 Electronics Appliances to have at Home this Christmas

It is close to that time of year, shopping for Christmas and New Year gifts! Great home appliances are available to make chores and activities easier in the home. Shopping online for these appliances makes it easier to shop all round; and there are several home appliance products to buy from online platforms for delivery

5 Electronics Appliances to have at Home this Christmas Read More »

Lagosmums parenting conference 2020

Sponsors And Vendors At The LagosMums 7th Annual Parenting Conference- Virtual

The LagosMums 7th annual Parenting Conference will be holding on Saturday, the 10th of October 2020.  Here are our #LagosMums2020 Sponsors and Vendors:- Maggi Maggi’s chef is a Sponsor at the #LagosMums2020 Conference. They are in the business of helping create delicious and nutritious meals for the Nigerian family. Check out  @maggi_nigeria and get some

Sponsors And Vendors At The LagosMums 7th Annual Parenting Conference- Virtual Read More »

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