Diary Adventures of Lagosmums


DALM | What The Movie Storks Is Really Teaching Your Children

Do you know what Storks the movie is teaching your children? For most people, when a new movie comes out rated PG or FAM, you think it is safe. We welcome the family time as there are not many opportunities for family activities in Lagos. Watching a movie is a popular choice for the family.

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Table Mountain South Africa

My Trip to the Most Beautiful Place Ever

Sleep, good food, scenery, shopping are  probably what most people want when they go for a relaxing holiday right? Anyone who lives in Lagos knows that feeling to get away from the hustle and bustle now and then. The economy this year made travel more challenging for many families thanks to the exchange rate fluctuation.

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Flying Car

DALM | Stay Open Minded – Flying Cars Are Here

Diary Adventures of LagosMums: DALM | Stay Open-Minded – Flying Cars Are Here I believe we are all creative by nature and our minds invent, adapt and create constantly. Children seem to always think out of the box and ask questions that seem incredulous and even funny to adults. They find it easy to stay open minded because they

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